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Die Rettungsflieger (TV series 1997-2007)

The Air Rescue Team (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1997 February, 15
45 minutes
Production Company:

"The Air Rescue Team" is a perfectly practised team. They have nerves of steel and are ready for action within seconds when-ever there are serious casualties in Hamburg who need to be rescued. They operate around the clock and are wide awake upon command, since a moment of inattentiveness can cost human lives. The emergency doctor, the pilot, the on-board mechanic, and the paramedic have committed themselves to the motto "search and rescue". Of course, the four partners and friends also have personal challenges to meet. They are all relieved to discover that they can remain what they are: "The Air Rescue Team". - IMDb

The Air Rescue Team United Kingdom
The Air Rescue Team USA
The Air Rescue Team  
Létající doktoři Czechoslovakia
Mentőhelikopter Hungary
Mission sauvetages France
Die Rettungsflieger West Germany
Záchranný tím SAR Slovakia

Children's Cast:

Kristo Ferkic [6] Richie Wollcke (TV Episode: Rabenväter) (2004)
Tim Hansen Torben (TV Episode: Lauter Katastrophen) (2003)
Roxanne Borski [13] Sybille Liebermann (TV Episode: Für immer und ewig) (2005)
Maurice Teichert [8] Klaus Quandt (TV Episode: Voller Hoffnung) (2003)
Jaime Ferkic [16] Martin Hansen (TV Episode: Irrtümer) (2005)
Tim Troeger [9] Jens Volz (TV Episode: Die Zeitbombe) (2003)
Fabian Meier [13] Ronny (TV Episode: Klare Worte) (2007)
Vijessna Ferkic [17] Skaterin (TV Episode: Rabenväter) (2004)
Jannik Schümann [11] Torben (TV Episode: Rivalen im Cockpit) (2003)
Atef Vogel Torsten Arnold (TV Episode: Echte Freundschaft) (2007)
Niklas Pries [13] David (TV Episode: Durchgeknallt) (2000)
Jonas Nay [17] David Becker (TV Episode: Muttersorgen) (2007)
Kevin Stevan [10] Matthias (TV Episode: Kinderparadies) (2001)
Jessica Rusch Evi (TV Episode: Vertrauensfragen) (2007)
Hazel Franke [13] Mia Endreß (TV Episode: Königskinder) (2004)
Laura Detter [10] Connie (TV Episode: Überraschende Wendung) (2005)
Nelia Novoa [13] Karoline van den Berg (TV Episode: Giftstachel) (2005)
Alban Hansen [8] Felix (TV Episode: Hoch hinaus) (2005)
Janina Uhse [16] Luisa (TV Episode: Irrtümer) (2005)
