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Malibu (USA: reissue title)
Sequoia (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1934 December, 22
71 minutes
Production Company:

Toni lives with her father, writer Matthew Martin, in the Sequoia forests of California. While walking, she finds and brings home, a small puma which she calls 'Gato' and a young fawn, called 'Malibu'. The three become friends which violates the normal rules of nature. After a few years, Toni and her dad leave and Gato and Malibu are returned to the wild. They do their animal things, but the two are still friendly. When Toni and Matthew return, they find that logging and hunting have decimated the animals in the area. They also find that their neighbor, Bergman, who has trapped animals for years, is now leading hunting parties and kills even the fawns. It is up to Gato and Malibu if they are to survive. - IMDb

Malibu (reissue title) USA
Matar ou Morrer Brazil
Der Roman einer seltsamen Freundschaft Austria
Sekoya - Kaplan Kız Turkey
Sekvoja (literal title) Yugoslavia
Sequoia USA
Sequóia Portugal
Sequoia Austria
Sequoia Belgium
Sequoia Brazil
Sequoia Canada
Sequoia Denmark
Sequoia United Kingdom
Sequoia Greece
Sequoia Hungary
Sequoia - Herrin der Wildnis West Germany
Sequola Sweden
シーコウヤ Japan

Children's Cast:

Harry Lowe Jr. [3] Feng Soo
