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Meet John Doe

Frank Capra's 'Meet John Doe' (USA: complete title)
John Doe, Dynamite (United Kingdom: theatrical title)
The Life and Death of John Doe (USA)
The Life of John Doe (USA)
Meet John Doe (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1941 March, 12
122 minutes
Comedy / Drama / Romance
Production Company:

A man needing money agrees to impersonate a nonexistent person who said he'd be committing suicide as a protest, and a political movement begins. - IMDb

...Y la cabalgata pasa Argentina
...Y la cabalgata pasa (original subtitled version) Uruguay
Adorável Vagabundo Brazil
Arriva John Doe! Italy
Bemutatom John Doe-t Hungary
Cihan Hakimi Turkey
Frank Capra's 'Meet John Doe' (complete title) USA
He uskoivat elämään Finland
Hier ist John Doe West Germany
Hier ist John Doe West Germany
L'home del carrer Spain
L'homme de la rue France
I dominatori della metropoli Italy
Incontrando John Doe Italy
Întâlnire cu John Doe Romania
John Doe, de man die het meende Netherlands
John Doe, Dynamite (theatrical title) United Kingdom
John Doe, l'homme de la rue Belgium
John Doe, man uit de straat Belgium
Juan Nadie Spain
The Life and Death of John Doe USA
The Life of John Doe USA
El Mandamiento supremo Mexico
Meet John Doe Australia
Meet John Doe Canada
Meet John Doe Canada
Meet John Doe Ecuador
Meet John Doe United Kingdom
Meet John Doe New Zealand
Meet John Doe Singapore
Meet John Doe USA
Meu Adorável Vagabundo Brazil
O laos prostazei (transliterated title) Greece
Obywatel John Doe Poland
Spoznajte Johna Doeja Slovenia
Sutikti Džoną Dou Lithuania
Um João Ninguém Portugal
Upoznajte Johna Doea Croatia
Az Utca embere Hungary
Vi behöver varann Sweden
Vi behøver hinanden Denmark
Vi trenger hverandre Norway
Vi-l prezint pe John Doe Romania
Wer ist John Doe? West Germany
¿Conocen a John Doe? Venezuela
Ο λαός προστάζει Greece
Запознайте се с Джон Доу Bulgaria
Познайомтеся із Джоном Доу (new title) Ukraine
Познакомьтесь с Джоном Доу Russia
Познакомьтесь с Джоном Доу Soviet Union
群衆 Japan

Children's Cast:

Rhoda Williams [10] Minor Role
Carlotta Jelm [10] Ann's Sister
Benny Bartlett [16] Red
