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It's Love I'm After

A Gentleman After Midnight (USA)
Gentlemen After Midnight (USA)
It's Love I'm After (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1937 October, 8
90 minutes
Production Company:

An actor of the stage finds himself pursued by a lovestruck fan while trying to patch up a tempestuous relationship with his actress lover. - IMDb

24 godziny miłości Poland
Als vrouwen verliefd zijn Netherlands
L'aventure de minuit Belgium
L'aventure de minuit France
Avventura a mezzanotte Italy
Caprichos del corazón Mexico
Caprichos del corazón Venezuela
A Comédia do Amor Portugal
Éjfél után Hungary
Es amor lo que busco Spain
A Gentleman After Midnight USA
Gentleman efter midnatt Sweden
Gentlemen After Midnight USA
En herre efter midnatt Norway
It's Love I'm After Canada
It's Love I'm After United Kingdom
It's Love I'm After USA
Jälkeen puoliyön Finland
Kavalier nach Mitternacht Austria
Middernachtelijk avontuur Belgium
Monden (literal title) Yugoslavia
Peripeteia tou mesonyktiou (transliterated title) Greece
Romeo - privat Austria
Romeos Privatliv Denmark
Somos do Amor Brazil
Szerelmet akarok Hungary
Любовь, которую я искал Soviet Union
恋愛合戦 Japan

Children's Cast:

Bonita Granville [14] Gracie Kane
