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H.M.S. Defiant

Damn the Defiant! (USA)
H.M.S. Defiant (Australia)
The Mutineers (USA)
Mutiny (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1962 February, 22
United Kingdom
101 minutes
Action / Drama / History / War
Production Company:

On the H.M.S. Defiant, during the French Revolutionary War, fair Captain Crawford is locked in a battle of wills against his cruel second-in-command Lieutenant Scott-Padget, whose heavy-handed command style pushes the crew to mutiny. - IMDb

Damn the Defiant! USA
Damn the Defiant! Canada
Damn the Defiant! Norway
Denizler Kartalı Turkey
H.M.S. Defiant Australia
H.M.S. Defiant Belgium
H.M.S. Defiant Canada
H.M.S. Defiant Ecuador
H.M.S. Defiant United Kingdom
H.M.S. Defiant New Zealand
I antarsia tou katadromikou 'Atromitos' (transliterated title) Greece
Kapinalliset merellä Finland
Lázadó hajó Hungary
Motín en el Defiant Spain
The Mutineers USA
Les mutinés du Téméraire Canada
Les mutinés du Téméraire France
Mutiny United Kingdom
Nawiedzony okręt Poland
Opprør til sjøs Norway
Pobunjenici Yugoslavia
Ponte di comando Italy
Rebellion West Germany
Revolta em Alto Mar Brazil
Revolta no Defiant Portugal
Revoltă pe H.M.S. Defiant Romania
Tumulto en alta mar Argentina
Tumulto en alta mar Mexico
Under brinnande segel Sweden
Under brændende sejl Denmark
Вызывающий проклятье Soviet Union
Проклятие за *Дръзкият* Bulgaria
戦艦デファイアント号の反乱 Japan

Children's Cast:

Robin Stewart [15] Pardoe
