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Beware the Slenderman

Beware the Slenderman (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2016 March, 11
114 minutes
Documentary / Biography / Crime
Production Company:

Tells the story of two 12-year old girls, who attempted to murder one of their friends in an attempt to appease Slenderman, a fictional monster from a horror website. - IMDb

Beware the Slenderman Australia
Beware the Slenderman Canada
Beware the Slenderman West Germany
Beware the Slenderman Ecuador
Beware the Slenderman United Kingdom
Beware the Slenderman USA
Beware the Slenderman (Cuidado con Slenderman) Spain
Bóng Ma Slenderman Vietnam
Cuidado com o Slenderman Brazil
Mitul Slenderman: Un caz terifiant Romania
Prenez garde au Slenderman! Canada
Qui a peur du Slenderman? France
Slender Man France
Slenderman: Az internet réme életre kel Hungary
Strzeż się Slendermana Poland
Teroarea vine de pe net Romania
Реальный Слендермен Russia
當心瘦削人 Taiwan