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Ruggles of Red Gap

Ruggles of Red Gap (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1935 February, 19
90 minutes
Comedy / Romance
Production Company:

An English valet brought to the American west assimilates into the American way of life. - IMDb

L'admirable Mister Ruggles (alternative spelling) France
Arcylokaj Poland
En butler i Vilda Västern (new title) Sweden
Ein Butler in Amerika West Germany
Det begyndte i Paris Denmark
Det begyndte i Paris Norway
Det var livat i Paris Sweden
L'extravagant Mr Ruggles France
Il maggiordomo Italy
Der Musterknabe Austria
Nobleza obliga Argentina
Nobleza obliga Spain
O Extravagante Senhor Ruggles (reissue title) Portugal
O Último Escravo Portugal
Őfelsége a komornyik Hungary
Ruggles dient twee heren Netherlands
Ruggles of Red Gap Australia
Ruggles of Red Gap Canada
Ruggles of Red Gap United Kingdom
Ruggles of Red Gap USA
Seine Hoheit der Kammerdiener Austria
Vamos à América Brazil
Рагглз из Ред-Геп Soviet Union
人生は42から Japan
勇闖紅峽鎮 Taiwan
红谷英仆 China

Children's Cast:

Ricardo Lord Cezon [2] Little Boy
