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The Warning

The Warning (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1912 October, 4
Drama / Short
Production Company:

Happy in the love of his devoted wife and their child, a young businessman found life's pathway pleasant. Then the greatest of sorrows came; his wife died and he was plunged into gloom. There was no one to correct or guide him, no one to plead with him except his son, and he was a helpless little boy. One afternoon while the boy was playing in front of the house, the man passes out of the front door. The boy knew he was going to the saloon, and hoping to keep him away from there, timidly asked his father if he would not go fishing with him. The man was in a complacent mood, and consented, but despite the child's protest, insisted on stopping on the way to purchase a flask of whiskey. At the water's edge, the boy fished, the father drank. Finally the youngster caught a fish, and turned joyfully to show his father, but he was sunk in a drunken stupor and the child could not arouse him. The boy's face fell. He dropped his fishing pole, which slipped into the water. He then wandered off a ways, fell on the sandy beach and sobbed bitterly. The drunkard stirred uneasily in his sleep, for he had a most vivid dream. He saw himself at the edge of the water, his son fishing beside him. The boy, running about, fell overboard. The man saw it, and tried to go to his aid, but he was helplessly drunk. And, in his dream, he saw his child drown before his eyes. He awoke with a cry of agony, and for a moment believed that his dream was true The boy was gone, but floating in the water nearby was his fishing pole. He screamed again, and the child, who was nearby, came running up to see if there was anything he could do for him. The man clasped the boy in his arms. He had one on the theory that with the death of his wife his interest in life was gone, never thinking of the claims of his child. He vowed that liquor should never pass his lips again, and noted with tenderness how his promise brought back the lost look of happiness to the face of his child. - IMDb

The Warning USA

Children's Cast:

Marie Eline [10] The Young Son
