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Ja jsem stena smrti

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1979 June, 8
88 minutes
Production Company:

A van and a motorbike crash on a crossroad. Fortunately nobody was injured and there is not any damage. The parties of the accident - and oldish stuntman and a rider on the wall of death Piskácek (Josef Kemr) and a young motorbike driver Milan (Lubomír Paulovic) - only tell off each other. The motor biker for whom life means speed is not happy with his work in the factory. Out of curiosity he comes to see Piskácek's performance. There he meets his daughter Esmeralda (Eva Sitteová) and in the end he joins them as an assistant in this wandering business. - IMDb

Halálkatlan Hungary
Ja jsem stena smrti Czechoslovakia
Die Todeswand bin ich East Germany
The Wall of Death  

Children's Cast:

Zdenek Cerný
