A privileged British family consisting of a mother, a geologist father and an adolescent daughter and son, live in Sydney, Australia. Out of circumstance, the siblings, not knowing exactly where they are, get stranded in the Outback by themselves while on a picnic. They only have with them the clothes on their backs - their school uniforms - some meagre rations of nonperishable food, a battery-powered transistor radio, the son's satchel primarily containing his toys, and a small piece of cloth they used as their picnic drop-cloth. While they walk through the Outback, sometimes looking as though near death, they come across an Australian boy who is on his walkabout, a rite of passage into manhood where he spends months on end on his own living off the land. Their largest problem is not being able to verbally communicate. The boy does help them to survive, but doesn't understand their need to return to civilization, which may or may not happen based on what the Australian boy ends up doing. - IMDb
Фильм, в котором главные роли исполняют Эгаттер и Джон, как сестра и брат, брошенные в безлюдном месте их отцом, который сходит с ума и убивает себя. Имея при себе только транзистор, дети бродяжничают по пустырям с небольшой надеждой на спасение. В один прекрасный день молодой абориген, Галпилил, находит их и показывает, как выжить в пустыне. Между Галпили и Эгаттер возникает сексуальное влечение, и белая девочка даже поощряет добиваться ее. Однажды ночью Галпилил исполняет для нее странный ритуальный танец спаривания, но она отвергает его; на следующее утро она и ее брат находят аборигена мертвым - очевидное самоубийство. В конце концов, дети возвращаются в цивилизацию. Рассказ двусмысленен и полон аллегорий, визуальные образы потрясают воображение, а музыкальное сопровождение Бэрри прекрасно и завораживает.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 26% | 7 |
9 | 15% | 4 |
8 | 7% | 2 |
7 | 7% | 2 |
6 | 15% | 4 |
5 | 7% | 2 |
4 | 7% | 2 |
3 | 4% | 1 |
2 | 4% | 1 |
1 | 7% | 2 |
27 |
Encuentro de dos mundos | Argentina |
Encuentro de dos mundos | Mexico |
Encuentro de dos mundos | USA |
Erämaan vangit | Finland |
L'inizio del cammino | Italy |
A Longa Caminhada | Brazil |
Periplanisi (transliterated title) | Greece |
La randonnée | France |
Sonsuz çöl | Turkey |
Der Traum vom Leben | West Germany |
Utsukushiki Bôken Ryokô | Japan |
Vándorrege | Hungary |
Walkabout | Poland |
Walkabout | Singapore |
Walkabout | USA |
Walkabout | West Germany |
Walkabout | South Africa |
Walkabout | Australia |
Walkabout | Canada |
Walkabout | Canada |
Walkabout | Ecuador |
Walkabout | Spain |
Walkabout | United Kingdom |
Walkabout | Israel |
Walkabout | India |
Walkabout - Der Traum vom Leben | West Germany |
Walkabout - Erämaan vangit | Finland |
Walkabout - Mannaprovet | Sweden |
Бродяжництво | Ukraine |
Обход | Soviet Union |
Прогулка | Russia |
Странстване | Bulgaria |
Шетња | Serbia |
澳洲奇談 | Taiwan |
美しき冒険旅行 | Japan |
Jenny Agutter [18] | Girl | |
Luc Roeg [9] | White Boy | |
David Gulpilil [17] | Black Boy |
20 Dec 2020, 22:53
Nicolas Roeg is one of filmdom's most outstanding cinematographers, so when he directs a film you know it will be visually spectacular. The story and characters will also capture and hold your interest. |
15 Nov 2009, 17:02
A well made drama. It is a shame that Luc Roeg did not further pursue his acting career. |