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Haru: Sogo Shosha no Onna (TV series)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2019 October, 7
Drama / Romance
Production Company:

Haru is an old maid who has moved to the USA to work. She is recruited to work for a Japanese trading company back home. She weighs her options and responds in the affirmative. Upon her return she finds her former husband of a decade ago Mr. Wada being her manager. There are multiple challenges, but she wants to make do. She wants to make a good impression, she wants to avoid conflict with her co-workers and of course she wants to justify their trust in her. - IMDb

Haru - The Woman Of A General Trading Company  
ハル ~総合商社の女~ Japan

Children's Cast:

Kokoro Terada [11] Ryo Kaihara
