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My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2013 August, 1
Short / Comedy

After Peter Frisk is locked up in a rehabilitation centre for supervillains, he emerges a changed man, though not exactly by choice. He's been fitted with a shock collar that doles out hearty bursts of electricity when it detects negativity from the wearer. His twelve ­step process (and his general tolerance for physical pain) is put to the test when faced with his mother's nagging, and his little sister Shelly's surgical antagonisms. Peter's patience is stretched even further when his nemesis (the dashing moralist Captain Paragon) tightens the grip of his justice on a city just trying to get by. ...Maybe what this city needs is just a little bit of villainy after all. - IMDb

Villain! Canada

Children's Cast:

Aislyn Watson Shelley Frisk
