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The First Christmas (Video)

The First Christmas (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2005 November, 21
60 minutes
Family / Musical
Production Company:

When Amelia's parents decide to share their Christmas with a family in need, Amelia has a hard time figuring out if she should do the same. Though hesitant to join in at first, Amelia discovers the true spirit of Christmas through the stories of Mary & Joseph, Elisabeth & Zacharias, and a pair of shepherds named Sharif & Omar. Watch the Christmas story as you've never seen it before, through the imagination of a young girl who discovers for herself the true meaning of Christmas. Featuring all original songs, this heart-warming musical is perfect for families of all ages. - IMDb

The First Christmas USA

Children's Cast:

Lauren Faber Amelia
