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Charlie Chan at the Olympics

Charlie Chan at the Olympics (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1937 May, 21
71 minutes
Production Company:

When a strategically important new aerial guidance system is stolen, Charlie traces it to the Berlin Olympics, where he has to battle spies and enemy agents to retrieve it. - IMDb

Campeón olímpico Mexico
Charlie Chan alle olimpiadi Italy
Charlie Chan at the Olympics Canada
Charlie Chan at the Olympics United Kingdom
Charlie Chan at the Olympics USA
Charlie Chan aux jeux olympiques Belgium
Charlie Chan aux jeux olympiques France
Charlie Chan bei den Olympischen Spielen West Germany
Charlie Chan en las Olimpiadas Argentina
Charlie Chan en los Juegos Olímpicos Spain
Charlie Chan nos Jogos Olímpicos Brazil
Charlie Chan nos Jogos Olímpicos Portugal
Charlie Chan olympialaisissa Finland
Charlie Chan op de olympische spelen Netherlands
Charlie Chan op de olympische spelen Belgium
Charlie Chan på olympiaden Denmark
Charlie Chan på Olympiaden Sweden
O Charlie Chan stous Olympiakous (transliterated title) Greece
Olympiade der Unterwelt Austria
Ο Τσάρλι Τσαν στους Ολυμπιακούς Greece
Чарли Чан на олимпийските игри Bulgaria
Чарли Чан на Олимпийских играх Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Layne Tom Jr. [9] Charlie Chan Jr.
