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The Rehearsal (TV series)

The Rehearsal (USA)
Untitled Nathan Fielder/HBO Pilot (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2022 July, 15
30 minutes
Documentary / Comedy
Production Company:

Nathan Fielder gives people a chance to rehearse for their own lives in a world where nothing ever works out as expected. - IMDb

Нэйтан Филдер создает правдоподобные симуляции важных моментов, где тренирует клиентов вести себя правильно. Правда, не факт, что после такой подготовки в реальной жизни все пройдет как по маслу. Как говорится, одна ошибка — и ты ошибся.

El Ensayo Argentina
El Ensayo Ecuador
El Ensayo Mexico
Los ensayos Spain
Experiment Slovakia
O Ensaio Brazil
Próba generalna Poland
A Próba Hungary
The Rehearsal Hong Kong
The Rehearsal Indonesia
The Rehearsal Israel
The Rehearsal India
The Rehearsal India
The Rehearsal Italy
The Rehearsal Japan
The Rehearsal Netherlands
The Rehearsal Philippines
The Rehearsal Sweden
The Rehearsal United Arab Emirates
The Rehearsal Singapore
The Rehearsal Thailand
The Rehearsal Turkey
The Rehearsal USA
The Rehearsal South Africa
The Rehearsal Australia
The Rehearsal Canada
The Rehearsal Canada
The Rehearsal West Germany
The Rehearsal Egypt
The Rehearsal France
The Rehearsal United Kingdom
Untitled Nathan Fielder/HBO Pilot USA
Репетиція Ukraine
Репетиция Russia
排練人生 Taiwan
더 리허설 South Korea

Children's Cast:

Kue Lawrence [11] Bully
