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Treyder (TV series)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2023 May, 15
50 minutes
Drama / Mystery

1995-2003. A young ambitious oil trader Oleg Nesterov finds himself involved in espionage games between the special services of Russia and the United States during the reign of Saddam Hussein and becomes a direct participant in the historical events associated with the fall of the regime and the outbreak of the war in Iraq. Principled and inexperienced Oleg is constantly faced with a difficult choice: a corrupt boss or a criminal partner, a betrayed bride or someone else's wife, indifference to the troubles of ordinary people or complicity in state crimes, money or love, truth or freedom. - IMDb

Oil for Blood  
Trader West Germany
Трейдер Russia

Children's Cast:

Pavel Ustinov [17] Amerikanskiy soldat
