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Khazyain (mini)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2022 June, 17
Production Company:

The classic story about the relationship between parents and children told in a modern way, because many problems are as relevant today as in the nineteenth century. According to the plot of the miniseries, after returning home from Harvard, the girl Sonya tries to understand the methods of work of a famous and influential father and discovers many unpleasant things. Raised in love and respect for her parents, she does not immediately dare to go against the interests of her father. However, in the end he comes into open confrontation with him and will fight for justice. Her conflict with Terentiy Puzyr is deepened by the fact that Sonya does not accept the imposed fiancé, who was chosen for her without her consent. Instead, Terentiy Puzyr, a modern dollar multimillionaire, owner of an agricultural holding, considers himself the "master" of the region and human destinies. He manipulates and intimidates people because he seeks to maintain his influence and increase his wealth, and stubbornly continues to be faithful to his old approaches, despite the changing world around him. Terentiy Puzyr does not notice that he is surrounded by the same unscrupulous people as himself, who are ready to betray him at any moment. - IMDb

The Host  
Хазяїн Ukraine
Хозяин Russia

Children's Cast:

Maksim Boryak [11]
