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Across the Bridge

Across the Bridge (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1957 August, 20
United Kingdom
103 minutes
Crime / Drama / Thriller
Production Company:

A wealthy businessman in New York absconds to Mexico by train in order to avoid capture for embezzlement. On the way, he steals the identity of another man for a visa, but that only complicates matters. - IMDb

Across the Bridge Australia
Across the Bridge Canada
Across the Bridge Ecuador
Across the Bridge United Kingdom
Across the Bridge New Zealand
Across the Bridge USA
Al di là del ponte Italy
Al otro lado del puente Spain
Át a hídon Hungary
Brücke der Vergeltung West Germany
Die Brücke der Vergeltung Austria
Det stjålne ansigt Denmark
Dincolo de pod Romania
De Fatale brug (informal title) Netherlands
Frontière dangereuse Belgium
Frontière dangereuse France
Gevaarlijke grens Belgium
Köprünün ötesi Turkey
Na druhou stranu mostu Czechoslovakia
Na druhú stranu mosta Slovakia
Na druhú stranu mostu Czechoslovakia
O fantomas ton dyo ipeiron (transliterated title) Greece
O katahrastis (reissue title) Greece
På andra sidan bron Sweden
På andre siden av broen Norway
A Ponte do Destino Brazil
A Ponte Fatal Portugal
Yli sillan Finland
Через мост Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Roy Hines [15] Undetermined Role
