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Bebi-tur (TV series)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2023 March, 15
27 minutes
Production Company:

2009, a small Russian village of Livni. The main character, lively and purposeful Zinaida, walks from apartment to apartment, not very successful in selling cosmetics, and on one of these visits she learns that there is a way to change her life. If you give birth to a child in the United States, he will become an American who will be able to transport all his relatives abroad. Zinaida decides to act without delay and incites her friends, the workers of the local poultry farm, to get pregnant urgently and fly to the States. But the men are against it. Realizing that there is nowhere to wait for help, the girlfriends are looking for additional earnings, which are not always legal. But that's half the battle. The most important thing is to find a way to get pregnant. On the way to the goal, Zina, Gela, Tatyana and Kira will face many difficulties and doubts: are they doing the right thing when they want to leave their home. - IMDb

Середина нулевых, поселок Ливни. Бойкая и целеустремленная Зинаида продает косметику, и от одной из клиенток узнает – если родить ребенка в Америке, он автоматически получит гражданство США. А когда достигнет совершеннолетия, сможет уехать и перевезти на новую родину родителей. На встрече с подругами Зина предлагает им всем вместе забеременеть и накопить денег, чтобы совершить бэби-тур. Осталось дело за малым – раздобыть денег и отца для будущего американца.

Американки Russia
Бэби-тур Russia

Children's Cast:

Roman Devlikamov Tobi
