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Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All (TV)

Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1994 May, 1
113 minutes
Drama / War


The movie, adapted from Allan Gurganus's 1989 book of the same name, chronicles the life of Lucy Marsden, a 99-year-old North Carolina woman who at age 14 married a 50-year-old Confederate veteran of the Civil War and bore nine children (reduced to six for television). Diane Lane stars as Lucy from her teenage years into middle age, and Anne Bancroft plays Lucy approaching her 100th birthday, telling her story in flashback. - IMDb

Die Älteste noch lebende Rebellenwitwe erzählt West Germany
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A Kortalan hős Hungary
Krig & passion Sweden
Memórias de uma Viúva do Sul Portugal
Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All Australia
Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All Canada
Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All United Kingdom
Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All USA
Tempos de Guerra Brazil
Thryloi polemou Greece
La última superviviente Spain
Wdowa po konfederacie mówi wszystko Poland
Война и страсть Russia
南部の風・南軍兵士の妻が語る100年の物語 Japan

Children's Cast:

Erin Williby Louisa (11)
Garette Ratliff Henson [14] Ned Smythe, Willie's best friend (flashback scenes)
Wil Horneff [14] Willie Marsden (at 13)
Jesse Zeigler [14] Ned Mardsen (12), Lucy's eldest son
