Susy was recently blinded and recently married. Susy's husband, Sam, is asked to hold a doll for a woman he doesn't know as they get off an airplane. The woman disappears. Later, she's found dead by her former associates, Mike and Carlino, small-time hoods, in Susy's basement apartment. (Both occupants of the apartment are then absent.) The doll woman's newer partner in crime, Harry Rote, who murdered her for self-dealing, presses Mike and Carlino into a scheme to recover the doll, which contains a fortune in smuggled heroin. After disposing of the body, the thugs return while Susy is present to continue their search. They assume Susy's blindness will enable them to search her apartment under her very nose for the doll. In Sam's absence, Mike pretends to be an old friend of Sam's, while the three together spin for Susy a story of a murder investigation of her husband from which only the finding of the missing doll can save him. Rote is a predator, and his stalking of Susy becomes ever more obvious as the blind woman's predicament becomes ever more desperate. - IMDb
В дом Сьюзи, недавно ослепшей в результате автокатастрофы, попадает тряпичная кукла, внутрь которой наркоторговцы зашили крупную партию героина. Содержимое куклы очень хотят заполучить бандиты во главе с убийцей-психопатом Роутом. Слепая девушка беззащитна, лишь в темноте их шансы могут относительно уравняться, поэтому единственная надежда Сьюзи - дождаться темноты...
Alliert med mørket | Norway |
Asteapta pana la intuneric | Romania |
Aşteaptă până se întunecă | Romania |
Čekej do tmy | Czechoslovakia |
Chờ Đến Đêm Tối | Vietnam |
Doczekać zmroku | Poland |
Espera la oscuridad (original subtitled version) | Uruguay |
Espera la oscuridad | Argentina |
Espera la oscuridad | Colombia |
Espera la oscuridad | Mexico |
Fanget af mørket | Denmark |
Gli occhi della notte | Italy |
Karanlığa kadar bekle | Turkey |
Kuraku naru made matte | Japan |
Nattens ögon | Sweden |
Nattensögon | Finland |
Os Olhos da Noite | Portugal |
Palauk iki sutems | Lithuania |
Perimene mehri na nyhtosei (transliterated title) | Greece |
Seule dans la nuit | Canada |
Seule dans la nuit | France |
Sola en la oscuridad | Spain |
Um Clarão nas Trevas | Brazil |
Várj, míg sötét lesz | Hungary |
Wacht tot het donker wordt | Belgium |
Wait Until Dark | Australia |
Wait Until Dark | Canada |
Wait Until Dark | United Kingdom |
Wait Until Dark | India |
Wait Until Dark | USA |
Warte, bis es dunkel ist | Austria |
Warte, bis es dunkel ist | West Germany |
Warte, bis es dunkel ist | West Germany |
Yksin pimeässä | Finland |
Περίμενε μέχρι να νυχτώσει | Greece |
В очакване на мрака | Bulgaria |
Дождись темноты | Soviet Union |
Дочекайся темряви (new title) | Ukraine |
Сачекај до мрака | Serbia |
奇謀妙計女福星 | Hong Kong |
暗くなるまで待って | Japan |
盲女驚魂記 | Taiwan |
Robby Benson [11] | Boy Tossing Ball | |
Gary Morgan [17] | Teenage Boy on Street |