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On the Right Track

A Guy Could Get Killed Out There (USA)
New York Loves Lester (USA)
On the Right Track (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1981 March, 6
97 minutes
Comedy / Romance

Lester is a homeless shoeshine boy living in a railway station. He's got this funny knack for picking the winning horses' names out of the paper while shining shoes. When word gets around, though, everyone wants a piece of the action. - IMDb

Gary Coleman Está na Pista Certa Brazil
A Guy Could Get Killed Out There USA
Las travesuras de Arnold Argentina
Las travesuras de Arnold Colombia
Lester el pícaro Spain
Der Millionen-Dollar-Junge West Germany
Na pravom putu Yugoslavia
New York Loves Lester USA
Oikeilla urilla (video box title) Finland
On the Right Track United Kingdom
On the Right Track USA
Un cerveau en or Canada
Un cerveau en or France

Children's Cast:

Gary Coleman [13] Lester
