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Angel City (TV)

Angel City (USA)
Field of Tears (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1980 November, 12
95 minutes
Production Company:


Being forced to sell his land, Jared Teeter share with his family in search of a better life in Florida. They discover, like many other immigrants Appalachia that work is scarce. Jared is reduced to working the fields in a forced labor camp called "Angel City". Creedy, the supervisor of Angel City is a sadistic man who maintains discipline through violence and intimidation. Days too long, too little pay, a lack of food, inadequate shelter, inhumanity and cruelty to Angel City encourage Jared to an escape attempt. He failed and he suffers. But he takes revenge Creedy again when looking for a new girl for his harem: the daughter of Jared Teeter. - IMDb

Angel City USA
Angyalok városa Hungary
Der Aufseher von Angel City West Germany
Campo infernal Spain
Field of Tears  
Field of Tears USA
Zontani kolasi Greece
Город ангелов Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Robert MacNaughton [13] Bennie Teeter
