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Movies made by Telewizja Polska (TVP) (82)

1. Figurant (2023)
Genre: Drama / History
Release: 2023 September, 20
Budny, a secret service officer, secretly surveils Bishop Karol Wojtyla for 20 years...

IMDb: 6.0/10  (186)
2. Dewajtis (2023)
Genre: Drama / History
Release: 2023 September, 17
"Dewajtis" is one of Maria Rodziewiczówna's best-known moral novels, written in 1889...

IMDb: 6.9/10  (38)
3. Film dla kosmitów (2022)
Genre: Family
Release: 2022 September, 25
Introverted imaginative teenager, addicted to creating and posting Internet clips, is sent to his grandpa for holidays, where he faces an unbelievable challenge...

IMDb: 6.0/10  (26)
4. Mistrz (2020)
Genre: Biography / Drama / History / Sport
Release: 2020 December, 8
The story of the pre-war boxing champion Tadeusz "Teddy" Pietrzykowski, who in 1940 arrives with the first transport of prisoners to the newly created Auschwitz concentration camp...

IMDb: 6.7/10  (2 149)
5. Ziuk. Young Pilsudski - Conspirators (2019)
Genre: Biography / Drama / History
Release: 2019 November, 11
The series is about a group of conspirators fighting against Tsarism at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries...

IMDb: 6.6/10  (33)
6. Ikar. Legenda Mietka Kosza (2019)
Genre: Biography / Drama
Release: 2019 September, 17
"Icarus" is the true story of Mieczyslaw "Mietek" Kosz, a Polish jazz pianist who died in tragic circumstances and whose life we see through select episodes depicting the most influential moments in his life and career: his childhood on a poor farm in the farmlands of Poland and the loss of his eyesight at age 12 to a debilitating disease and the trauma that it causes...

IMDb: 6.6/10  (585)
7. Stulecie Winnych (2019)
Genre: Drama / History
Release: 2019 March, 3

IMDb: 7.8/10  (101)
8. Wilkolak (2018)
Poland, Netherlands, Germany
Genre: Drama / Horror
Release: 2018 September, 19
Children liberated from a Nazi concentration camp have to overcome hunger, thirst and vicious dogs in an abandoned mansion surrounded by the forest...

IMDb: 6.0/10  (1 647)
9. Wspomnienie lata (2016)
Genre: Drama
Release: 2016 October, 8

IMDb: 6.4/10  (199)
User Rating:  6.0/10
Votes: 1
10. Szczescie swiata (2016)
Release: 2016 September, 19

IMDb: 5.9/10  (174)
11. Strazacy (2015)
Genre: Action / Drama / Thriller
Release: 2015 February, 28

IMDb: 6.8/10  (34)
12. Miasto 44 (2014)
Genre: Drama / History / Romance / War
Release: 2014 July, 30
A story of love, friendship and the pursuit of adventure during the bloody and brutal reality of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising...

IMDb: 6.6/10  (6 846)
User Rating:  6.5/10
Votes: 8
13. Na sygnale (2014)
Genre: Drama
Release: 2014 February, 12
The series shows the work of paramedics of the ambulance service...

IMDb: 6.4/10  (75)
14. Walesa. Czlowiek z nadziei (2013)
Genre: Biography / Drama
Release: 2013 September, 5
The depiction of the life of Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of Poland's Solidarity movement, Lech Walesa, as events in the 1970s lead to a peaceful revolution...

IMDb: 6.5/10  (3 371)
15. Chichot losu (2011)
Genre: Drama
Release: 2011 March, 5

IMDb: 5.4/10  (31)
16. Hotel 52 (2010)
Genre: Drama
Release: 2010 February, 25

IMDb: 4.5/10  (111)
17. Moja krew (2009)
Genre: Drama
Release: 2009 October, 17
IGOR is a professional boxer whose world comes to a halt when he learns that his brain has been severely damaged from his many years of fighting...

IMDb: 5.9/10  (264)
18. Moja nowa droga (2009)
Genre: Short / Comedy / Drama
Release: 2009 March, 31

IMDb: 5.8/10  (25)
19. Rajskie klimaty (2009)
Release: 2009 March, 14

IMDb: 5.8/10  (25)
20. Determinator (2008)
Genre: Crime
Release: 2008 January, 4

IMDb: 4.4/10  (22)
21. Braciszek (2007)
Genre: Biography / Drama
Release: 2007 April, 2

IMDb: 6.4/10  (58)
22. Dwie strony medalu (2007)
Genre: Drama
Release: 2007 January, 5

IMDb: 3.0/10  (26)
23. Szatan z siódmej klasy (2006)
Genre: Comedy / Family / Mystery
Release: 2006 September, 14

IMDb: 4.7/10  (68)
24. Przybyli ulani (2006)
Genre: Comedy
Release: 2006 August, 15

IMDb: 5.9/10  (60)
25. Podróz (2006)
Genre: Short
Release: 2006 May, 30
It's a story of a young woman from Warsaw - Iwona who has two children and works in a supermarket...

IMDb: 6.2/10  (20)
26. Chlopiec na galopujacym koniu (2006)
Release: 2006 May, 1

IMDb: 6.3/10  (43)
User Rating:  8.0/10
Votes: 1
27. Wiedzmy (2005)
Genre: Comedy
Release: 2005 October, 22

IMDb: 6.5/10  (18)
28. Tak mialo byc (2005)
Genre: Drama / Mystery
Release: 2005 October, 21

IMDb: 6.5/10  (18)
29. Jestem (2005)
Genre: Drama
Release: 2005 September, 10
An eleven-year-old (Piotr Jagielski) escapes from an orphanage and returns to his hometown where the other kids call him "Mongrel" and his young alcoholic mother (Edyta Jungowska) kicks him out again...

IMDb: 7.3/10  (1 058)
User Rating:  5.7/10
Votes: 19
30. Egzamin z zycia (2005)

IMDb: 5.5/10  (40)
31. Rodzina zastepcza plus (2004)
Genre: Comedy
New and longer adventures of the Kwiatkowski family and their friends...

IMDb: 5.4/10  (132)
32. Zerwany (2003)
Genre: Drama
Release: 2003 September, 19
A very violent look at the fate of a young Polish orphan; this film's savage imagery will stay with you long after the film is over...

IMDb: 6.9/10  (85)
User Rating:  7.3/10
Votes: 19
33. Stara basn. Kiedy slonce bylo bogiem (2003)
Genre: Adventure / Drama / History
Release: 2003 September, 17
Polish historical action fantasy based on a novel by Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski...

IMDb: 5.5/10  (1 402)
34. Psie serce (2002)
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance
Release: 2002 December, 15

IMDb: 3.7/10  (28)
35. W pustyni i w puszczy (2002)
Genre: Adventure / Drama / Family
Release: 2002 November, 10
Eight year old Nel and thirteen year old Stas are kidnapped by the Arabic fundamentalist during Mahdi's Rebelion in Sudan...

IMDb: 5.4/10  (36)
36. As (2002)
Genre: Crime

IMDb: 5.2/10  (13)
37. List (2001)
Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Genre: Drama
Release: 2001 September, 13

IMDb: 7.3/10  (27)
38. Czesc Tereska (2001)
Genre: Drama
Release: 2001 July, 10
Veteran Polish filmmaker Robert Glinski takes a DV camera in hand to film this grim drama about "blockers," a generation who grew up in the gray soulless blocks of flats that mushroomed throughout the Eastern Bloc during the 1970s...

IMDb: 7.1/10  (1 588)
39. M jak milosc (2000)
Genre: Drama / Romance / Mystery
Release: 2000 November, 4
Another story of a big family whose life is full of problems and unexpected changes...

IMDb: 2.6/10  (533)
40. Plebania (2000)
Genre: Drama / Romance
Release: 2000 October, 5

IMDb: 2.5/10  (256)
41. Sukces (2000)
Release: 2000 September, 9

IMDb: 5.2/10  (7)
42. To ja, zlodziej (2000)
Genre: Action / Drama
Release: 2000 June, 16
It is history of two young boys living in Warsow...

IMDb: 6.0/10  (725)
43. Duza przerwa (2000)
Genre: Comedy

IMDb: 5.6/10  (31)
44. Taniec trzcin (2000)
Genre: Documentary

IMDb: 7.4/10  (29)
User Rating:  3.0/10
Votes: 1
45. Na dobre i na zle (1999)
Genre: Drama / Romance
Release: 1999 November, 7

IMDb: 3.6/10  (456)
46. Tygrysy Europy (1999)
Genre: Comedy
Release: 1999 October, 17

IMDb: 6.2/10  (90)
47. Slawa i chwala (1998)
Genre: Drama / Romance / War

IMDb: 7.3/10  (33)
48. Awantura o Basie (1997)
Genre: Family
Release: 1997 October, 12

IMDb: 6.0/10  (30)
49. Dzien wielkiej ryby (1997)
Genre: Drama
Release: 1997 May, 29

IMDb: 5.9/10  (22)
50. Das Geheimnis des Sagala (1997)
Poland, Germany
Genre: Family / Fantasy
Release: 1997 January, 27
10 year old Kuba lives in Warsaw and collects stones...

IMDb: 6.8/10  (138)