In Switzerland, the teenager Jennifer Corvino (Jennifer Connelly), daughter of a famous actor, arrives in an expensive board school and shares her room with the French schoolmate Sophie (Federica Mastroianni). Jennifer is a sleepwalker, is capable of telepathically communicate with insects and has adaptation problem in the new school. While sleepwalking, she meets and becomes friend of a Scottish entomologist, Prof. John McGregor (Donald Pleasence), and his chimpanzee Tonga. Jennifer decides to help the investigation of Dr. McGregor about a serial killer that is killing young girls in that area. When her friend Sophie disappears and Dr. McGregor is killed, the scared Jennifer decides to call her lawyer and return to Los Angeles. She is invited to stay in the house of Frau Brückner (Daria Nicolodi) waiting for her flight, but the serial killer is already chasing her. - Claudio Carvalho, IMDb
Красавицу-студентку Дженнифер Корвино родители отправили в престижный женский пансион в Швейцарии. Вскоре выясняется, что девушка - сомнамбула, гуляющая по ночам, в то время как кто-то убивает её подруг с неподдающейся описанию жестокостью. Весьма странный биолог, изучающий трупных червей и насекомых, берётся помочь полиции в определении времени убийств. Количество смертей растёт, под подозрением все...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 50% | 1 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 50% | 1 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
2 |
Các Hiện Tượng | Vietnam |
Creepers | Canada |
Creepers (cut version) | USA |
Dario Argento's Phenomena | USA |
Fenomen | Yugoslavia |
Fenómena | Mexico |
Fenômeno | Brazil |
Fenomeny | Poland |
Fenomina | Japan |
Jelenség | Hungary |
Nadnaravni pojavi | Slovenia |
Phenomena | Italy |
Phenomena (video box title) | Netherlands |
Phenomena | Norway |
Phenomena | Philippines |
Phenomena | Sweden |
Phenomena | Singapore |
Phenomena | USA |
Phenomena | West Germany |
Phenomena (cable TV title) | Argentina |
Phenomena | Australia |
Phenomena | Canada |
Phenomena | Ecuador |
Phenomena | Spain |
Phenomena | France |
Phenomena | United Kingdom |
Phenomena | India |
Phenomena - ilmiö | Finland |
Satánica inocencia | Mexico |
Φαινόμενα | Greece |
Феномен | Bulgaria |
Феномен | Soviet Union |
フェノミナ | Japan |
Fiore Argento [15] | Vera Brandt | |
Jennifer Connelly [14] | Jennifer Corvino | |
Fausta Avelli [16] | Schoolgirl | |
Federica Mastroianni | Sophie |