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The Prince of Tides

The Prince of Tides (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  7.0/10  Votes:  ( 5 )    IMDb

1991 December, 25
132 minutes
$ 30 000 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 74 787 599


Video (1)

Photos (8)

The Wingo family is from South Carolina, they growing up in a house on a tidal plain. The oldest offspring, Lucas, largely acted as the protector for his younger twins siblings, Tom and Savannah, in light of their dysfunctional growing up, with their shrimper father, Henry, distant and abusive if/when he did pay them any attention, and their mother, Lila, while not doting on them most concerned about appearances and striving for social standing. Now in middle age, Savannah is a New York based poet, Tom, still living on the South Carolina coast outside of Charleston with his wife Sally and their own three doting daughters, taking a break from his high school teaching/football coaching job, while Lucas has long since died while still standing up for himself and his beliefs. Lila, divorced and now remarried with that wealth and social standing she so long desired, receives news that Savannah is in the hospital following her most recent suicide attempt. Not wanting to face the blame directly as she suspects, she assigns Tom to go to New York to speak to Savannah's therapist, Susan Loewenstein, to provide any information of a family history nature that could help in Savannah's recovery. Tom agrees despite hating New York, and it being not a good time since he and Sally are experiencing marital problems, they both just knowing that things between them are not working, and not having been intimate in months. As Tom and Loewenstein (as he calls her) begin their sessions, Tom is slow to divulge the Wingo family problems to her. But he learns that she too is having her own family problems, with her concert violinist husband Herbert Woodruff being self absorbed and condescending, with their young adult son, Bernard, hating both largely because of they predestining his life also as a concert violinist. Tom and Loewenstein's sessions blossom into a friendship and romance, where their talks, in addition to helping Savannah, may help them both in dealing with their own life problems, Tom's which have been long buried figuratively and literally. - IMDb

Жизнь Тома состоит из одних разочарований: он несчастлив в браке, лишен работы и надежд на будущее. К этому прибавились переживания за родную сестру, которая во второй раз пытается покончить с жизнью. Чтобы спасти ее, он вынужден раскрыть самые страшные страницы их детства. Никто не сможет избавить Тома от этих воспоминаний и заглушить его боль. Это под силу только женщине и ее любви, которая побеждает страх и возвращает утраченные надежды...

Rating Percentage % Votes
Arithmetic mean = 7.0
Dalgaların Prensi Turkey
Elu tõusuvetel Estonia
Gospodar plime Croatia
Herr der Gezeiten Austria
Der Herr der Gezeiten West Germany
Hullámok hercege Hungary
Książę przypływów Poland
Love & Memories (literal English title)  Korea
O prigipas tis palirroias (transliterated title) Greece
O Príncipe das Marés Brazil
O Príncipe das Marés Portugal
Pán prílivu Czechoslovakia
Pán prílivu Slovakia
Pán přílivu Czechoslovakia
Potvyniu princas Lithuania
Princ plime Croatia
Princ plime Serbia
Le prince des marées Canada
Le prince des marées France
The Prince of Tides Australia
The Prince of Tides Canada
The Prince of Tides Ecuador
The Prince of Tides United Kingdom
The Prince of Tides Singapore
The Prince of Tides USA
El Príncep de les marees Spain
El Príncipe de las mareas Mexico
El Príncipe de las mareas Peru
El Príncipe de las mareas (original subtitled version) Uruguay
El Príncipe de las mareas Argentina
El Príncipe de las mareas Spain
Il principe delle maree Italy
Prințul mareelor Romania
Savannah Denmark
Tidevannets fyrste Norway
Tidvattnets furste Finland
Tidvattnets furste Sweden
Vuorovetten prinssi (video box title) Finland
Ο πρίγκιπας της παλίρροιας Greece
Володар припливів Ukraine
Повелитель приливов Soviet Union
Принцът на приливите Bulgaria
प्रिंस ऑफ़ टाइड्स India
サウス・キャロライナ 愛と追憶の彼方 Japan
潮浪王子 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Grayson Fricke Luke Wingo (age 9)
Justen Woods Tom Wingo (age 6)
Lindsay Wray [15] Jennifer Wingo
Maggie Collier Lucy Wingo
Brandlyn Whitaker Chandler Wingo
Bobby Fain [11] Tom Wingo (age 10)
Trey Yearwood Tom Wingo (age 13)
Tiffany Jean Davis Savannah Wingo (age 6)
Nancy Moore Atchison Savannah Wingo (age 10)
Kiki Runyan Savannah Wingo (age 13)
Ryan Newman Luke Wingo (age 13)
Chris Stacy Luke Wingo (age 16)

The most successful movies. Year: 1991

1. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 520 884 847
2. Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 440 118 382
3. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 390 493 908
4. Hook (1991)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 300 854 823
5. JFK (1991)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 205 405 498
14. The Prince of Tides (1991)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 74 787 599
