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Rocky IV

Rocky IV (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1985 November, 21
91 minutes
Drama / Sport
$ 30 000 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 300 473 716


Video (1)

Photos (2)

Ever since his match with clubber lane, rocky balboa has a peaceful life. And now he and former champion, Apollo creed, enjoy good times and are now the best of friends. But Rocky's peaceful life as a boxer gets paused after a match Apollo went into. Unfortunately, Creed fought Ivan drago, a 6'5" russian who has never lost a match, and sadly, brutally murders Apollo in the ring. A funeral is held and times start going downhill fast. Now, in order to restore honor, rocky challenges drago to a match and must beat him for sweet, bitter vengeance - IMDb

В этой картине Рокки на своей шкуре ощутит, что такое советская школа бокса. Ему предстоит сразиться с гигантом из России – Иваном Драго. Этот монстр одним ударом оборвал жизнь тренера Рокки, Аполло Крида. Поклявшись отомстить за друга, Рокки начинает усиленно тренироваться и с этой целью едет прямиком в "империю зла".

Rocky 4 Czechoslovakia
Rocky 4 Finland
Rocky 4 Turkey
Rocky 4 Hono'o no yuujou (alternative spelling) Japan
Rocky 4/Ho no onoyuujou Japan
Rocky 5 Czechoslovakia
Rocky IV Ecuador
Rocky IV Egypt
Rocky IV Spain
Rocky IV Finland
Rocky IV Finland
Rocky IV France
Rocky IV United Kingdom
Rocky IV Croatia
Rocky IV Hungary
Rocky IV Indonesia
Rocky IV United Arab Emirates
Rocky IV Israel
Rocky IV India
Rocky IV Italy
Rocky IV Mexico
Rocky IV Netherlands
Rocky IV Philippines
Rocky IV Poland
Rocky IV Portugal
Rocky IV (literal title) Romania
Rocky IV Sweden
Rocky IV Argentina
Rocky IV Singapore
Rocky IV Thailand
Rocky IV USA
Rocky IV Uruguay
Rocky IV South Africa
Rocky IV Australia
Rocky IV Brazil
Rocky IV Canada
Rocky IV Canada
Rocky IV Czechoslovakia
Rocky IV Denmark
Rocky IV - Der Kampf des Jahrhunderts Austria
Rocky IV - Der Kampf des Jahrhunderts West Germany
Rocky IV - Der Kampf des Jahrhunderts West Germany
Rocky IV - Rocky İvan'a Karşı (video box title) Turkey
Rocky IV: I gigantomahia Greece
Rocky No 4 (transliterated title) Greece
Roki 4 Serbia
Rokis 4 Lithuania
Rokki 4 Azerbaijan
Rokki 4 (transliterated title) Kazakhstan
Rokki 4 Uzbekistan
Tay Đấm Huyền Thoại 4 Vietnam
Ρόκι IV: Η γιγαντομαχία Greece
Роки IV Bulgaria
Роккі IV Ukraine
Рокки 4 Kazakhstan
Рокки 4 Soviet Union
रॉकी IV India
ロッキー4 炎の友情 Japan
洛基4:天下無敵 Taiwan
洛奇第四集:龍拳虎威 Hong Kong

Children's Cast:

Rocky Krakoff Rocky Jr.

The most successful movies. Year: 1985

1. Back to the Future (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 388 355 305
2. Rocky IV (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 300 473 716
3. Cocoon (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 85 313 124
4. Witness (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 68 706 993
5. The Goonies (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 61 749 191
