FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are different: Mulder is a believer in the paranormal while Scully is not. Together, they investigate paranormal cases which takes them all the way to alien conspiracies within the U.S. government and even puts their lives and careers at risk. Together, they try to solve the mysteries within the U.S. government, no matter what they have to do, and along the way they try to solve any other case that's related to the paranormal. - IMDb
Специальному агенту Дане Скалли, доктору и преподавателю академии ФБР в Вирджинии, поручают работу в паре с агентом Фоксом Малдером над проектом «Секретные материалы», архивом таинственных, нерешенных дел ФБР, которые зачастую связаны с паранормальными явлениями, случаями вампиризма и оборотничества, нападением генетических мутантов, свидетельствами о похищении людей пришельцами… Малдер верит в пришельцев и пытается убедить скептика Скалли, что не всё и не всегда поддаётся разумному объяснению. В своих дискуссиях Малдер и Скалли не столько стараются убедить друг друга, сколько получают удовольствие от самого общения. Постепенно первоначальное взаимное недоверие перерастает в дружбу, а чуть позже и в более глубокое чувство.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 43% | 3 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 14% | 1 |
5 | 14% | 1 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 14% | 1 |
2 | 14% | 1 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
7 |
Akta X | Czechoslovakia |
Akte X | West Germany |
Akte X - Die unheimlichen Fälle des FBI | Austria |
Akte X: Die unheimlichen Fälle des FBI | West Germany |
Akty X | Slovakia |
Los archivos Secretos X | Chile |
Arkiv X | Sweden |
Arquivo X | Brazil |
Aux frontières du réel | Canada |
Aux frontières du réel (first season title) | France |
Código X | Argentina |
Dosarele X | Romania |
Dosijei Iks | Bosnia |
Dosjei X | Croatia |
Dosjeji X | Slovenia |
Expediente X | Spain |
Los expedientes secretos X | Argentina |
Los expedientes secretos X | Ecuador |
Los expedientes secretos X | Mexico |
Los expedientes secretos X | Peru |
Los expedientes Secretos X | Chile |
Los expedientes Secretos X (complete title) | Venezuela |
Ficheiros Secretos | Portugal |
Files in the Dark (literal English title) | Israel |
Gizli Dosyalar | Turkey |
Hồ Sơ Tuyệt Mật | Vietnam |
Salaiset kansiot | Finland |
Salaiset kansiot: Biogenesis (video box title) | Finland |
Salaiset kansiot: Closure (video box title) | Finland |
Salaiset kansiot: Kansio 2 - Tooms (video box title) | Finland |
Salaiset kansiot: Kansio 5 - 82517 (video box title) | Finland |
Salaiset kansiot: The End (video box title) | Finland |
Salatoimikud | Estonia |
Sirli fayllar | Uzbekistan |
Strengt fortroligt | Denmark |
Untitled X Files Reboot | |
Untitled X-Files Revival | |
X failai | Lithuania |
The X Files | South Africa |
The X Files | United Arab Emirates |
The X Files | Australia |
The X Files | Canada |
The X Files | Egypt |
The X Files | United Kingdom |
The X Files | Greece |
The X Files | Hong Kong |
The X Files | Indonesia |
The X Files | India |
The X Files | India |
The X Files | South Korea |
The X Files | Netherlands |
The X Files | Singapore |
The X Files | Thailand |
The X Files (trailer title) | USA |
X-akták | Hungary |
X-faili. Slepenās lietas | Latvia |
X-Fairu | Japan |
X-File | Japan |
X-Files (tenth season title) | France |
X-Files | Italy |
The X-Files - Salaiset kansiot | Finland |
X-Files : Aux frontières du réel | France |
The X-Files : Aux frontières du réel (second season title) | France |
The X-Files (complete title) | Philippines |
The X-Files | USA |
Xファイル | Japan |
X檔案 | Taiwan |
Z archiwum X | Poland |
Досије икс | Serbia |
Досиетата X | Bulgaria |
Секретні матеріали | Ukraine |
Секретные материалы | Russia |
Цілком таємно | Ukraine |
Jesse James [10] | Poor Boy (TV Episode: The Unnatural) (1999) | |
Kevin Zegers [11] | Kevin Kryder (TV Episode: Revelations) (1995) | |
Jenny-Lynn Hutcheson [6] | Polly Turner / Addie Sparks / Little girl from the trailer (TV Episode: F. Emasculata) (1995) | |
Shia LaBeouf [13] | Richie Lupone (TV Episode: The Goldberg Variation) (1999) | |
Aiden Longworth [12] | William (10 & 13 yr old) (TV Episode: Founder's Mutation) (2016) | |
Ashlynn Rose | Young Samantha Mulder (at photo) / Young Samantha Mulder / Young Samantha (TV Episode: My Struggle) (1998) | |
Carly McKillip [7] | Caitlin Ross (TV Episode: Paper Hearts) (1996) | |
Christine Firkins [17] | Thea Sprecher (TV Episode: Within) (2000) | |
Douglas Smith [11] | Pitcher (TV Episode: Home) (1996) | |
Joel Palmer [7] | Charlie / Michael Holvey / Kevin Morris (TV Episode: Conduit) (1993) | |
Jordan Warkol [15] | Quinton (TV Episode: Badlaa) (2001) | |
Lachlan Murdoch [7] | Right Fielder / Boy in the car / forest (TV Episode: The Jersey Devil) (1993) | |
Myles Ferguson [14] | Joey Agostino / Boy in the Bus (TV Episode: F. Emasculata) (1995) | |
Vanessa Morley [8] | Young Samantha Mulder Clone / Young Samantha Mulder / Samantha Mulder / ... (TV Episode: Little Green Men) (1994) | |
Wyatt Smith [7] | Baby William (TV Episode: Nothing Important Happened Today II) (2001) | |
Íñigo Garcés [6] | George (TV Episode: Ice) (1993) | |
Keegan MacIntosh [9] | Michael (TV Episode: Fire) (1993) | |
Jeffrey Schoeny [9] | Trevor (TV Episode: Trevor) (1999) | |
Jewel Staite [13] | Amy Jacobs (TV Episode: Oubliette) (1995) | |
Alycia Stark [7] | Billy Underwood (TV Episode: Invocation) (2000) |