As Novas Aventuras da Pipi das Meias Altas |
Portugal |
As Novas Aventuras de Pippi Longstocking |
Brazil |
Astrid Lindgrenin Peppi Pitkätossu -Maailman vahvin tyttö (video box title) |
Finland |
Les aventures de Fifi Brin D'Acier |
France |
Harisnyás Pippi legújabb kalandjai |
Hungary |
Las aventuras de Pippi Longstocking |
Argentina |
Las travesuras de una pelirojja |
Mexico |
Las travesuras de una pelirojja |
Nagakutsushita Pippi no Bôken Monogatari |
Japan |
The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking |
Canada |
The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking |
Canada |
The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking |
United Kingdom |
The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking |
Greece |
The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking |
Singapore |
The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking |
The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking |
Australia |
Noile aventuri ale lui Pippi Longstocking |
Romania |
Les nouvelles aventures de Fifi Brin d'Acier (video box title) |
Canada |
Les nouvelles aventures de Fifi Brindacier |
France |
Nowe przygody Pippi Langstrumpf |
Poland |
Le nuove avventure di Pippi Calzelunghe |
Italy |
Pippi Calzaslargas: La película |
Spain |
Pippi Långstrump - Starkast i världen |
Sweden |
Pippi Langstrumpf's neueste Streiche |
West Germany |
Pippi Langstrumpfs neueste Abenteuer |
West Germany |
Pippi Langstrumpfs neueste Streiche |
West Germany |
Verdens sterkeste Pippi |
Norway |
Новите приключения на Пипи Дългото чорапче |
Bulgaria |
Новые приключения Пеппи Длинныйчулок |
Soviet Union |
長くつ下ピッピの冒険物語 |
Japan |