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Pane, amore e.....

Scandal in Sorrento (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1955 December, 22
110 minutes
Comedy / Romance

Photos (2)

Marshall Antonio Carotenuto comes back to native Sorrento to take care of the local fire brigade. But since Sofia, a very nice fishmonger, occupies his native house Antonio share another home with Donna Violante, secretly fall in love with him. Sofia accepts to marry Antonio almost as a joke to make Nicolino, a traffic policeman, getting jealous. The chances for the two deloused sweethearts aren't over as it could appear. - IMDb

Aşk ve Ekmek Turkey
Brood, liefde en eindelijk geluk Belgium
Brød, kærlighed og hvad så? Denmark
Chleb, miłość i... Poland
Hleb, ljubav i ... (literal title) Yugoslavia
Kärlek, bröd och tusen kyssar Sweden
Kenyér, szerelem és... Hungary
Liebe, Brot und 1000 Küsse East Germany
Liebe, Brot und tausend Küsse West Germany
Liebe, Brot und tausend Küsse West Germany
Pain, amour, ainsi soit-il Belgium
Pain, amour, ainsi soit-il France
Pâine, dragoste si ... Romania
Pan, amor y Sofía Mexico
Pan, amor y Sophia Loren Argentina
Pan, amor y Sophia Loren (original subtitled version) Uruguay
Pan, amor y... Spain
Pane, amore e... Italy
Pão, Amor e... Brazil
Pão, Amor e... Portugal
Scandal in Sorrento Australia
Scandal in Sorrento Canada
Scandal in Sorrento United Kingdom
Scandal in Sorrento Greece
Scandal in Sorrento Norway
Scandal in Sorrento USA
Scandal in Sorrento  
Scandal in Sorrento South Africa
Schandaal in Sorrento (theatrical title) Netherlands
Skandale i Sorrento Norway
Vaarallinen leski Finland
Ψωμί, έρωτας και... (transliterated title) Greece
Хлеб, любовь и... Soviet Union
Хляб, любов и... Bulgaria
殿方ごろし Japan

Children's Cast:

Gaetano Autiero [14] Titino
