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The Wonder Years (TV series 1988-1993)

The Wonder Years (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1988 January, 31
30 minutes
Comedy / Drama / Romance


An adult Kevin Arnold reminisces on his teenage years spent growing up during the late 60s and early 70s. As he goes from adolescence to adulthood, he experiences, along with his best friend Paul and sometimes-girlfriend Winnie, the full range of trials and traumas that come in just about everyone's life. - IMDb

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Los años maravillosos Peru
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Kesä 68 Finland
Kevin is Twelve Years Old (literal English title) South Korea
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The Wonder Years USA
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The Wonder Years United Arab Emirates
The Wonder Years Australia
The Wonder Years Canada
The Wonder Years Ecuador
The Wonder Years United Kingdom
The Wonder Years Indonesia
The Wonder Years Israel
The Wonder Years India
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Wunderbare Jahre West Germany
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Најлепше године Serbia
Чyдесные годы Soviet Union
Чудесне године Serbia
兩小無猜 Taiwan
素晴らしき日々 Japan

Children's Cast:

Fred Savage [12] Kevin Arnold (TV Episode: Summer) (1988)
Maia Brewton [13] Linda Sloan (TV Episode: Don't You Know Anything About Women?) (1990)
Chad Allen [17] Brad Patterson (TV Episode: The Yearbook) (1991)
Joshua John Miller [16] Larry Beeman (TV Episode: Rock 'n Roll) (1990)
Ami Foster [16] Susan (TV Episode: The Yearbook) (1991)
Casey Ellison [14] Mark Bernstein (TV Episode: Rock 'n Roll) (1990)
Danica McKellar [13] Winnie Cooper (TV Episode: Nose) (1988)
Daniel Lee Young Paul Pfeiffer (TV Episode: Whose Woods Are These?) (1989)
Douglas Emerson [14] Kid #1 (TV Episode: Swingers) (1988)
Eric Lloyd [3] Young Kevin Arnold (TV Episode: Brightwing) (1989)
Heather McComb [14] Cindy (TV Episode: Full Moon Rising) (1991)
Jason Hervey [16] Wayne Arnold (TV Episode: Summer) (1988)
Josh Saviano [12] Paul Pfeiffer (TV Episode: Summer) (1988)
Soleil Moon Frye [14] Mimi Detweiler (TV Episode: Growing Up) (1990)
Jarrett Lennon [9] Young Paul Pfeiffer (TV Episode: Pfeiffer's Choice) (1991)
Jonathan Brandis [15] Steve (TV Episode: The Yearbook) (1991)
Brandon Crane [13] Doug Porter (TV Episode: The Wonder Years) (1989)
Carl Steven [19] Guy (TV Episode: Ladies and Gentlemen... the Rolling Stones) (1993)
Ryan Francis [12] George (TV Episode: On the Spot) (1989)
Emily Schulman [13] Susan (TV Episode: Faith) (1990)
... View all actors (50)
