Mathilda, a twelve-year old New York girl, is living an undesirable life among her half-family. Her father stores drugs for two-faced cop Norman Stansfield. Only her little brother keeps Mathilda from breaking apart. One day, Stansfield and his team take cruel revenge on her father for stretching the drugs a little, thus killing the whole family. Only Mathilda, who was out shopping, survives by finding shelter in Léon's apartment in the moment of highest need. Soon, she finds out about the strange neighbour's unusual profession - killing - and desperately seeks his help in taking revenge for her little brother. Léon, who is completely unexperienced in fatherly tasks, and in friendships, does his best to keep Mathilda out of trouble - unsuccessfully. Now, the conflict between a killer, who slowly discovers his abilities to live, to feel, to love and a corrupt police officer, who does anything in his might to get rid of an eye witness, arises to unmeasurable proportions - all for the sake of a little twelve-year old girl, who has nearly nothing to lose. - Julian Reischl, IMDb
Профессионального киллера по имени Леон можно сравнить с самой современной подводной лодкой - он действует бесшумно и незримо для будущей жертвы, к нему нельзя приблизиться и практически невозможно уничтожить... Но с появлением в жизни главного героя маленькой Матильды миф о беспощадном убийце рушится, как карточный домик...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 19% | 4 |
9 | 14% | 3 |
8 | 24% | 5 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 10% | 2 |
5 | 10% | 2 |
4 | 5% | 1 |
3 | 5% | 1 |
2 | 10% | 2 |
1 | 5% | 1 |
21 |
Léon | Italy |
Léon | Japan |
Léon | Netherlands |
Léon | Norway |
Léon (alternative spelling) | Romania |
Léon | Sweden |
Léon | Singapore |
Léon | USA |
Leon | Azerbaijan |
Leon | Denmark |
Léon | United Arab Emirates |
Leon | Estonia |
Leon | Finland |
Leon | United Kingdom |
Leon | Romania |
Leon | Slovakia |
Leon | Uzbekistan |
Léon | Czechoslovakia |
Léon | Ecuador |
Léon | Egypt |
Léon | Finland |
Léon | France |
Léon | Indonesia |
Léon | India |
Leon - Der Profi | Austria |
Leon zawodowiec | Poland |
Léon, a profi | Hungary |
Léon, o Profissional | Portugal |
Léon: Der Profi | West Germany |
Leon: Herfeyi | Iran |
Leon: Phetchakhat MahaKan | Thailand |
Léon: Profesionalac | Croatia |
Léon: Sát Thủ Chuyên Nghiệp | Vietnam |
Léon: The Professional | Canada |
Léon: The Professional | India |
Léon: The Professional | New Zealand |
Léon: The Professional | Philippines |
Léon: The Professional | USA |
Léon: The Professional | South Africa |
Leon: The Professional | Australia |
Leonas | Lithuania |
Leons | Latvia |
O Profissional | Brazil |
El Perfecto asesino | Argentina |
El Perfecto asesino | Mexico |
El Perfecto asesino | Peru |
El Perfecto asesino | USA |
El Perfecto asesino | Uruguay |
El Perfecto asesino | |
El Profesional (Léon) | Spain |
El Profesional | Peru |
El Professional | Spain |
The Professional | Australia |
The Professional | India |
The Professional | USA |
Le professionnel | Canada |
Sevginin Gücü | Turkey |
Λεόν (reissue title) | Greece |
Леон | Bulgaria |
Леон | Kazakhstan |
Леон | Russia |
Леон | Ukraine |
Леон-кілер | Ukraine |
Професионалац | Serbia |
レオン | Japan |
終極追殺令 | Taiwan |
这个杀手不太冷 | China |
這個殺手不太冷 | Hong Kong |
레옹 | South Korea |
Natalie Portman [13] | Mathilda | |
Carl J. Matusovich [8] | Mathilda's Brother | |
Michael Mundra | Cigarette Kid |
1. The Lion King (1994) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 968 511 805 |
2. Forrest Gump (1994) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 678 151 134 |
3. True Lies (1994) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 378 882 411 |
4. The Flintstones (1994) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 341 631 208 |
5. Dumb & Dumber (1994) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 247 275 374 |
... | |
47. Léon (1994) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 19 501 238 |