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La puerta Verde (2024)
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26 Mar, 22:40
film SF, USA 2013
Ludzie boją się ataku obcych.
26 Mar, 22:45
amerikai akciófilm,1988
1964 nyarán eltűnik három polgárjogi aktivista az amerikai Délen, Kelet-Mississippiben.
26 Mar, 23:05
V tomto silném příběhu, natočeném podle skutečné události, absolvent harvardské univerzity Bryan Stevenson...
26 Mar, 23:40
(Fack ju Göhte 3) Svérázný učitel Zeki Müller má před sebou těžký úkol, musí donutit své studenty, aby se...
USA  1998 Katastrophendrama Spielfilm
Film 2006
Jack Mosley, a burnt-out detective, is assigned the unenviable task of transporting a fast-talking convict from jail to a courthouse 16 blocks away.
francia romantikus dráma,2023
1947-ben a normandiai tengerparton Madeleine, a pincérnő és fiatal anya találkozik Francois-val, a gazdag és művelt diákkal.
Film 2018
A couple's relationship becomes complicated when she leaves him for his best friend, and returns after he dies.

A couple embark on an early vacation.
Фридо нашел волшебное зеркало, исполняющее мечты: из него появилась его идеальная копия.
Film 1963
Three different stories of Italian social mores are presented.
Heinrich Harrer je rakúsky občan, ktorý opúšťa krajinu v roku 1939, kde zanecháva svoju ženu Ingrid bez ohľadu...
Pendant que ses deux enfants jouent dans la rue,...
Plukovník Ludlow opustil armádu Spojených štátov, lebo nesúhlasil s genocídou indiánskych kmeňov.
Zlej kráľovnej sa podarilo získať vládu nad kráľovstvom.

Added Movies

La puerta Verde
IMDb: 8.4/10  (11)
Year: 2024
Country: Mexico
Genre: Drama
Review: Emina, a single mother with a sick son, begins a journey searching a Tarahumara healer who lives in the enigmatic mountain range of Chihuahua. - IMDb
Yoonaui Geori (TV series)
IMDb: 7.8/10  (46)
Year: 2014
Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance
Review: Yoo-Na is a unrepentant professional pickpocket with a long rap sheet. Chang-Man is poor and unemployed but aspires to be a social worker. After the two become friends, Yoo-Na tries to turn over a new leaf in life. - IMDb
A Model Family (TV series)
IMDb: 6.6/10  (1 590)
Year: 2022
Country: South Korea
Genre: Crime / Drama / Thriller
Review: After unwittingly stealing money from a cartel, a cash-strapped professor finds the only way to save his broken family is by working as a drug courier. - IMDb
Tozkoparan: Iskender - 1071 (TV)
IMDb: 7.3/10  (9)
Year: 2021
Country: Turkey
Genre: Adventure / History
Anatomie zrady (mini)
IMDb: 7.2/10  (77)
Year: 2020
Country: Czech Republic
Genre: Biography / Drama / History
Dvojka na zabití (TV series)
IMDb: 6.0/10  (9)
Year: 2021
Country: Czech Republic
Genre: Comedy / Crime
Prání Jezískovi
IMDb: 6.0/10  (99)
Year: 2021
Country: Czech Republic
Genre: Comedy / Romance
Krakonosovo tajemství (TV)
IMDb: 6.3/10  (216)
Year: 2022
Country: Czech Republic
Genre: Family / Fantasy
Review: When Rübezahl (Krakonos in Czech) overlooks his duties to guard mountain's treasure because of his fondness for beautiful Liduska, he makes a few mistakes that bring bad things even in good people. He punishes them severly in an attemt to fix things but his decision affects Liduska very negatively and she will be very unhappy unless people start being good again. - IMDb
Prání k narozeninám
IMDb: 6.1/10  (82)
Year: 2023
Country: Czech Republic
Genre: Comedy
Review: Líba has only one birthday wish every year. She insists that the whole family come together for her celebration. That is, until this year's birthday. Her son Petr has other plans, so he pretends to be sick in front of the family so for the first time he can spend the day with his secret boyfriend Karel, who has a birthday on the same day. - IMDb
Bodyguardi (TV series)
IMDb: 9.0/10  (7)
Year: 2023
Country: Czech Republic
Genre: Comedy
Review: The new progressive comedy series proves that gangsters can be fun too. With complete stories in each part, it cleverly exaggerates and embraces the genre of crime and gangster films while incorporating intriguing pop culture references. - IMDb