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comments found: 23

Author: tompannerman

Movie: Battle of Britain (1969)
Posted: 4 Jan 2013
Yes, whatever happened to the 'Mudlarks' that were once a regular scene in the Thames? The question is: was it a Heinkle or was it a Stuka?
Movie: En tu ausencia (2008)
Posted: 4 Jan 2013
A wonderful film with a complex storyline. The young actors are really top shelf and were obviously picked for their looks. The plot is cunningly misleading; to the point whereby you assume something...
Movie: Kitchen Toto, The (1987)
Posted: 30 Dec 2012
What a great pity it is that this marvellous film is not available on DVD. As a story evocative of the challenges of the british trying to flex their muscles and control the indeginous people of...