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comments found: 3

Author: DFW333

Movie: Good Year, A (2006)
Posted: 10 Oct 2020
A good movie about the things adults tend to forget as time goes by. In a flash back at the end of the film, older Max remembers young Fanny (Marine Casto) pulling her pants down to show him her...
Movie: Loods, De (2015)
Posted: 3 Oct 2020
A rather interesting film, told using flash backs between present day and previous events. Two men are cornered by an old friend who tricks them into coming to a warehouse where she hopes to get...
Movie: Casa, A (1997)
Posted: 13 Mar 2020
Saying this movie is slow is It is an understatement of such proportions it would almost be false advertising in most countries. I believe there are records of wood becoming petrified at...