Many congratulations to all at Rarefilmfinder - and especially The Administrator - on having reached around 11,000 members: a magnificent achievement for a specialist movie site.
According to a recent Web analysis (conducted in November, 2012) Rarefilmfinder has an average of 798 visitors and 5,107 page views per day. It has a load time of 0.689 seconds - 84% faster than the norm. At the time of writing, there are 37,559 films/TV productions on its database. It is, unquestionably, the best source of information on the Internet with regard to films for, about or involving children and young people. It is an invaluable tool for anyone researching world cinema in general. Its potential usage goes far beyond the interests of the core membership. As far as I am aware, its success is largely down to the inspiration and hard work of the Russian gentleman who leads it; he deserves unending praise - and the support of all the members. I, for one, have derived enormous benefit from the information I have found here.
This just seemed an appropriate moment for congratulation! I hope and trust many others will feel the same.
So, once again, congratulations - and thanks!