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FreakyLinks (TV series 2000-2001)

Fearsum (USA)
Freaky Links (USA: alternative spelling)
FreakyLinks (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

A TV show from the five-member Haxan Films team (consisting of Eduardo Sanchez, Daniel Myrick, Robin Cowie, Gregg Hale, and Mike Manello) collaborated with screenwriter David S. Goyer, whose credits include Blade, Dark City, The Crow: City of Angels, and The Puppet Masters about a webmaster who looks for the weirdness and shares it with his internet viewers. Just like "The Blair Witch" did, 'Fearsum' has a website that Derek Barnes is the webmaster of. - IMDb

Fearsum USA
Freaky Links France
Freaky Links (alternative spelling) USA
FreakyLinks Canada
FreakyLinks Ecuador
FreakyLinks USA
FreakyLinks South Africa
Friikkilinkit Finland
Łowcy koszmaru Poland

Children's Cast:

Ashly Holloway Child Virginia (TV Episode: Subject: Fearsum) (2000)
Matt Weinberg [11] Sam Lowe (TV Episode: Subject: Me and My Shadow) (2001)
Shawn H. Smith [12] Kid (TV Episode: Subject: Desert Squid! Myth or Legend?) (2000)
