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Mord mit Aussicht (TV series)

Homicide Hills (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2008 January, 7
Comedy / Crime
Production Company:

When on TV?

9 May, 14:40 SWR Fernsehen
9 May, 23:20 SWR Fernsehen

Sophie Haas, an aspiring criminal investigator from Cologne, is relegated to a very small police outpost in the Eifel mountains. - IMDb

Homicide Hills USA
Homicide Hills - Un commissario in campagna Italy
Mord mit Aussicht West Germany
Mord mit Aussicht France
Mord mit Aussicht Netherlands
Ubojstvo s pogledom Croatia
Убиство са погледом Serbia

Children's Cast:

Jasper Smets [15] Kevin Schäffer (TV Episode: Tödlicher Lehrstoff) (2010)
