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Treasure of the Golden Condor

Condor's Nest (USA)
The Golden Condor (USA)
The Golden Serpent (USA)
Treasure of the Golden Condor (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1953 February, 4
93 minutes
Production Company:
$ 1 220 000

In the 18th century France, Jean-Paul, who was cheated out of his inheritance, land and titles by his uncle, decides to go to Guatemala in search of a famed Mayan treasure. - IMDb

Comoara condorului auriu Romania
Condor's Nest USA
The Golden Condor USA
The Golden Serpent USA
Den gyldne kondors skat Denmark
Gyllene kondorens skatt Sweden
Im Reiche des goldenen Condor West Germany
Im Reiche des goldenen Kondor Austria
Kanlı Define Turkey
Kultaisen kondorin aarre Finland
O Tesouro do Condor Portugal
O Tesouro do Condor de Ouro Brazil
Oi thisavroi tis Guatemalas (transliterated title) Greece
De Schat van Guatemala Belgium
Il tesoro dei condor Italy
El Tesoro del cóndor de oro (original subtitled version) Argentina
El Tesoro del cóndor de oro Spain
El Tesoro del cóndor de oro Mexico
Treasure of the Golden Condor Australia
Treasure of the Golden Condor Canada
Treasure of the Golden Condor Ecuador
Treasure of the Golden Condor United Kingdom
Treasure of the Golden Condor USA
Le trésor du Guatemala Belgium
Le trésor du Guatemala Canada
Le trésor du Guatemala France
Сокровище Золотого Кондора Russia

Children's Cast:

Jerry Hunter Jean-Paul - Age 10
