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86427 films in database

Claddagh (2016)    Canada
Clair obscur (2005)    France
Claire (2007)    USA, France
Claire & Bobby (2009)    USA
Claire et les vieux (2021)    Canada
Claire in Motion (2016)    USA
Claire RockSmith (2020)    USA
Claire's Shadow (2012)    USA
Clairvoyance (2017)    USA
Clairvoyance the Ellis Files (2015)    USA
Clam Man, The (2016)    Canada
Clan (2012)    Belgium
Clan - Die Geschichte der Familie Wagner, Der (2013)    Germany, Austria
Clan de los Nazarenos, El (1975)    Spain, Italy
Clan des Siciliens, Le (1969)    France
Clan of the Cave Bear (2015)    USA
Clan of the Cave Bear, The (1986)    USA
Clan Pasquier, Le (2007)    France, Switzerland
Clancy (2009)    USA
Clandestin, Le (1994)    France
Clandestins (1997)    Switzerland, Canada, France, Belgium
Clapper, The (2017)    USA
Clara (2002)    Spain
Clara e o Chuveiro do Tempo (2005)    Brazil
Clara et associés (2004)    France
Clara et les méchants (1958)    France
Clara et moi (2004)    France
Clara et son juge (1997)    France
Clara Hakedosha (1996)    Israel
Clara Sheller (2005)    France
Clara und das Geheimnis der Bären (2013)    Switzerland
Clara y Elena (2001)    Spain
Clara's Deadly Secret (2013)    USA
Clara's Heart (1988)    USA
Clara, une passion française (2009)    France
Claramente (2019)    Mexico
Clare's Wish (1980)    Canada
Claremont Murders, The (2023)    Australia
Clarence (1990)    Canada, New Zealand, USA
Clarence (2013)    USA
Clarence Shorts: Beach Blast (2016)   
Clarence Shorts: Beauford T. Pusser (2015)   
Clarence Shorts: Big Boy (2015)    USA
Clarice (2021)    USA
Clarissa Explains It All (1991)    USA
Clarissa's Gift (2014)    USA
Clarissas Geheimnis (2012)    Germany, Austria
Clarividencia (2009)    Spain
Clark (2022)    Sweden
Clarke's Third Law (2014)    Spain
Clase 406 (2002)    Mexico
Clase, La (2017)    Spain
Clash (1984)    France, Yugoslavia
Clash of the Titans (1981)    USA, United Kingdom
Class (2010)    USA
Class Act, A (2014)    USA
Class Actions (2004)    USA
Class Apart, A (2007)    United Kingdom
Class Dismissed (2015)    USA
Class Dismissed the Movie (2016)   
Class of '07 (2023)    Australia
Class of '61 (1993)    USA
Class of '91 (2010)    USA
Class of 1970 (2022)    USA
Class of 1999 (1990)    USA
Class of Miss MacMichael, The (1978)    United Kingdom
Class of the Titans (2006)    Canada
Class Photo (2013)    USA
Class Rank (2017)    USA
Class, The (2006)    USA
Classe de neige, La (1998)    France
Classe degli asini, La (2016)    Italy
Classe du brevet, La (2004)    France
Classe tous risques (1960)    France, Italy
Classe, La (2017)    Canada
Classes vertes (2009)    France, Belgium
Classic of Mountains and Seas, The (2016)    China
Classiest President, The (2016)    USA
Classified Love (1986)    USA
Classique (1985)    France
Classroom, The (2014)    USA
Claude (2018)    United Kingdom
Claudia (1959)    East Germany
Claudia and David (1946)    USA
Claudine (1974)    USA
Claudine à l'école (1937)    France
Clave de sol (1987)    Argentina
Claws (1982)    South Africa
Claws (2017)    USA
Clay (2008)    United Kingdom
Clay Farmers (1988)    USA
Clayhanger (1976)    United Kingdom
Clayman (2012)    USA
Clé des champs, La (2011)    France
Clé sur la porte, La (1978)    France
Clean (2013)    USA
Clean Break (2015)    Ireland
Clean Club, The (1990)    USA
Clean Slate (2015)    USA
Clean Sweep (2023)    Canada, Ireland
Clean Up, The (1921)    USA
Clean Woman (2015)    USA
Clean Your Room (2017)    Canada
Cleaner (2007)    USA
Cleaner, The (2008)    USA
Cleaner, The (2009)    USA
Cleaners (2013)    USA
Cleaning Lady, The (2018)    USA
Cleaning Up (2019)    United Kingdom
Cleansing Hour, The (2019)    USA
Cleansing Hour, The (2016)    USA
Clear and Present Danger (1994)    USA
Clear and Present Danger, A (1970)    USA
Clear Cut (2003)    Canada
Clear History (2013)    USA
Clear Horizon, The (1960)    USA
Clear the Smoke (2019)    USA
Clearing, The (2023)    Australia
Clearing, The (2014)    USA
Cleats of Imminent Doom (2005)    USA
Cleaver Family Reunion (2013)    USA
Clef des champs, La (1998)    France
Clem (2010)    France
Clément (2001)    France
Clementine (2014)    USA
Clementine (2004)    South Korea, USA
Clémentine (2013)    France
Clémentine (1983)    France
Cleo (2015)    Spain
Cleo (2019)    Germany
Cleo (2002)    Sweden
Cleopatra (1963)    United Kingdom, USA, Switzerland
Clérambard (1990)    France
Clerks (2000)    USA
Clerks II (2006)    USA
Clés du paradis, Les (1991)    France
Cleveland Abduction (2015)    USA
Cleveland Show, The (2009)    USA
Clever Clogs (2013)    United Kingdom
Cleveren, Die (1998)    Germany
Cliché (2003)    USA
Click (2003)    Argentina
Click (2010)    United Kingdom
Click (2006)    USA
Click Clack Jack (2008)    USA
Click, Like, Share (2021)    Philippines
Clickbait (2021)    Australia, USA
Client Liaison: Free of Fear (2014)    Australia
Client List, The (2010)    USA
Client List, The (2012)    USA
Client, The (1995)    USA
Client, The (1994)    USA
Cliff, The (1970)    USA
Cliffhanger (2015)    Netherlands
Clifford (1994)    USA
Clifford the Big Red Dog (2019)    USA, Ireland, Canada
Clifford the Big Red Dog (2021)    United Kingdom, Canada, USA
Clifford the Big Red Dog (2000)    United Kingdom, USA
Clifford's Fun with Letters (1988)    Canada
Clifford's Fun with Numbers (1988)    Canada
Clifford's Fun with Opposites (1988)    Canada
Clifford's Fun with Ryhmes (1988)    Canada
Clifford's Fun with Shapes (1988)    Canada
Clifford's Fun with Sounds (1988)    Canada
Clifford's Puppy Days (2003)    USA
Cliffs of Freedom (2019)    USA
Cliffwood Avenue Kids, The (1977)    USA
Clifton Hill (2019)    Canada
Clifton House Mystery, The (1978)    United Kingdom
Climate Exchange (2018)    United Kingdom
Climax (1985)    Philippines
Climax (1977)    Spain
Climax! (1954)    USA
Climax, The (1944)    USA
Climax, The (1930)    USA
Climb a Tall Mountain (1987)   
Climb an Angry Mountain (1972)    USA
Climb, The (1997)    France, New Zealand, Canada
Climb, The (2019)    USA
Climbing the Golden Stairs (1929)    USA
Clinic, The (2018)    USA
Clinic, The (2003)    Ireland
Clint Eastwood (2009)    USA
Clint Eastwood (2016)    USA
Clippard Street (2018)    USA
Clipped (2015)    USA
Clipped Wings (1937)    USA
Clipping Adam (2004)    USA
Clips' Place (1998)    USA
Clique (2009)    USA
Clique Wars (2014)    USA
Clique, The (2008)    USA
Cloaca (2003)    Netherlands
Cloak & Dagger (1984)    USA
Cloak and Dagger (1946)    USA
Cloak vs. Tuna Melt (2022)    USA
Cloche tibétaine, La (1974)    France, West Germany
Clock, The (1945)    USA
Clocking Off (2000)    United Kingdom
Clockmaker (1998)    USA, Romania
Clockstoppers (2002)    USA
Clockwork Mice (1995)    United Kingdom
Clodagh (2024)    Ireland
Cloned (1997)    USA
Cloris Leachman in 'Happy Ending' (2013)    USA
Cloro (2015)    Italy
Close (2008)    United Kingdom
Close (2022)    Belgium, Netherlands, France
Close (2013)    United Kingdom
Close & True (2000)    United Kingdom
Close Call, A (1926)    USA
Close Encounters (2014)    Canada
Close Encounters (2013)    United Kingdom
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)    USA
Close Relations (1998)    United Kingdom
Close the site page (2022)    Russia
Close To Home (2015)    Australia
Close to Home (2005)    USA
Close to Me (2021)    United Kingdom, Mexico
Close Up (2020)    USA
Closed Circuit (2013)    United Kingdom, USA
Closed for Winter (2009)    Australia
Closed Position (2016)    USA
Closed Up-Tight (1975)    United Kingdom, Canada
Closed Vision (1954)    USA, France
Closer to Death (2003)    USA
Closer to God (2014)    USA
Closer to the Moon (2014)    Romania, USA, Italy, Poland, France
Closer, The (2005)    USA
Closet (2013)    USA
Closet Monster (2015)    Canada
Closet, The (2016)    USA
Closet, The (2018)    USA
Closet, The (2008)    USA
Closing Door, The (1960)    USA
Closing Dynasty (2023)    USA
Closing Numbers (1993)    United Kingdom
Closures (2011)    Canada
Clothes Make the Woman (1928)    USA
Clou, Le (2014)    France
Cloud Atlas (2012)    USA, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, United Kingdom, Spain
Cloud Buster, The (1928)    USA
Cloud Rider, The (1925)    USA
Cloudboy (2017)    Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands
Cloudhopper, The (1925)    USA
Clouds (2017)    USA
Clouds (2007)    Australia
Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)    France, Germany, Switzerland
Cloudstreet (2011)    Australia
Cloudy All Day (2016)    USA
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009)    USA
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013)    USA
Clovehitch Killer, The (2018)    USA
Clover (2020)    USA
Clover (1997)    USA
Clover (2016)    USA
Cloverfield (2008)    USA
Cloverfield Paradox, The (2018)    USA
Clovis (2018)    USA
Clown (2010)    USA
Clown (1968)    France
Clown (2022)    Netherlands
Clown (2024)    USA
Clown (2008)    USA
Clown (2014)    USA, Canada
Clown and the Kid, The (1961)    USA
Clown and the Kids, The (1967)    Bulgaria, USA
Clown College (2019)    USA
Clown Ferdinand (1973)    East Germany
Clown Princes (1939)    USA
Clown Service (2015)    USA
Clown White (1981)    Canada
Clown, Der (1998)    Germany
Clown, The (1953)    USA
Clownhouse (1989)    USA
Clownin' Around (2015)    Australia
Clowning (2022)    USA
Clowning Around (2018)    USA
Clowning Around (1992)    Australia
Clowning Around 2 (1993)    Australia
Clownjävel (2016)    Sweden
Clowns (2001)    Germany
Clowntown (2015)    USA
Clownwise (2013)    Czech Republic, Finland, Luxembourg, Slovakia
Club de Gaby, El (1993)    Mexico
Club de los baby sitters, El (1993)    Argentina
Club de los suicidas, El (2007)    Spain
Club de Pizzicato, El (2009)    Spain
Club del chiste, El (2010)    Spain
Club der roten Bänder (2015)    Germany
Club des 100 watts, Le (1988)    Canada
Club des 400 coups, Le (1953)    France
Club Houdini (2017)    Spain
Club Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse March (2017)    USA
Club Mickey Mouse: When December Comes (2017)    USA
Club sándwich (2013)    Mexico, France
Club Silencio (2021)    Spain
Club Vampire (1998)    USA
Club van Lelijke Kinderen - De Staatsgreep, De (2019)    Netherlands
Club van Lelijke Kinderen, De (2012)    Netherlands
Club van lelijke kinderen, De (2019)    Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas & De Pietenschool, De (2013)    Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas & De Verdwenen Schoentjes, De (2015)    Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas & Het Geheim van de Speelgoeddokter, De (2012)    Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas & het Grote Pietenfeest, De (2020)    Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas en de race tegen de klok, De (2022)    Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas en het vergeten Pietje, De (2021)    Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas Film: Het Grote Sneeuwavontuur, De (2024)    Netherlands
Club van Sinterklaas, De (1999)    Netherlands
Clube das Chaves (2005)    Portugal
Clubhouse (2004)    USA
Clubhouse Detectives (1996)    USA
Clubhouse Detectives in Big Trouble (2002)    USA
Clubhouse Detectives in Scavenger Hunt (2003)    USA
Clubhouse Detectives in Search of a Lost Princess (2002)    USA
Clubinho Carinhoso (2017)    Brazil
Cluck (2011)    Ireland
Clue (2016)    USA
Clue (2011)    USA
Clue of the Missing Ape, The (1953)    United Kingdom
Clued-Less (2012)    USA
Clueless (1996)    USA
Cluff (1964)    United Kingdom
Cluny Brown (1946)    USA
Clutter (2013)    USA