Three horror-thriller tales revolve around a mysterious stray cat which is attempting to find a little girl in trouble. In "Quitters, Inc.": the cat is picked up by a shady New York "doctor" who uses experimental techniques to get people to quit smoking. His latest client is a man named Morrison, who learns he'll suffer some terrible consequences if he tries to cheat. In "The Ledge": the cat is picked up by Cressner, a shady Atlantic City millionaire who forces tennis pro Norris (his wife's lover), to walk a narrow ledge around his high-rise penthouse apartment. In "The General": the cat arrives in Wilmington, North Carolina, where it is found by Amanda, the young girl it has been sent to protect. What she needs protection from is a tiny, evil troll who lives behind the skirting board in her bedroom. - IMDb
Три новеллы ужасов по рассказам Стивена Кинга. Связующим “героем” которых является бездомный кот, как бы свидетель происходящих событий. Но эти три истории достаточно разнятся между собой: переход от "черной комедии" к ужастику и к сказке. Если сложить все вместе, то получается рассказ в стиле "страшных сказок", которые дети любят рассказывать друг другу по ночам, о приключениях кота, пытающегося спасти маленькую девочку от неизвестной опасности...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 100% | 1 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
1 |
Cat's Eye | Canada |
Cat's Eye | Canada |
Cat's Eye | Ecuador |
Cat's Eye | France |
Cat's Eye | United Kingdom |
Cat's Eye | USA |
Djävulens ögon | Finland |
A Força do Mal | Portugal |
General (segment title) | USA |
Katės akis | Lithuania |
Kattens øye | Norway |
Katzen-Auge (alternative spelling) | West Germany |
KatzenAuge | West Germany |
KatzenAuge | West Germany |
Kočičí oko | Czechoslovakia |
The Ledge (segment title) | USA |
Mačacie oko | Slovakia |
Mačije oko | Serbia |
Macskaszem | Hungary |
L'occhio del gatto | Italy |
El Ojo del gato | Mexico |
Los ojos del gato | Argentina |
Los ojos del gato | Spain |
Oko kota | Poland |
Olhos de Gato | Brazil |
Paholaisen silmät | Finland |
Quitters, Inc. (segment title) | USA |
Stephen King's Cat's Eye | |
Stephen King's Cat's Eye (poster title) | Australia |
Stephen Kingin Paholaisen silmät (video box title) | Finland |
Stephen Kings Katzenauge | West Germany |
Το μάτι της γάτας | Greece |
Котяче око | Ukraine |
Кошачий глаз | Soviet Union |
Окото на котката | Bulgaria |
スティーブン・キング キャッツ・アイ | Japan |
Drew Barrymore [10] | Our Girl / Amanda |
1. Back to the Future (1985) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 388 355 305 |
2. Rocky IV (1985) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 300 473 716 |
3. Cocoon (1985) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 85 313 124 |
4. Witness (1985) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 68 706 993 |
5. The Goonies (1985) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 61 749 191 |
... | |
34. Cat's Eye (1985) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 13 086 298 |