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28 Days

28 Days (USA)
28 Días (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2000 February, 8
103 minutes
Comedy / Drama
$ 43 000 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 62 198 945


Video (1)

After getting into a car accident while drunk on the day of her sister's wedding, Gwen Cummings is given a choice between prison or a rehab center. She chooses rehab, but is extremely resistant to taking part in any of the treatment programs they have to offer, refusing to admit that she has an alcohol addiction. After getting to know some of the other patients, Gwen gradually begins to re-examine her life and see that she does, in fact, have a serious problem. The path to recovery will not be easy, and success will not be guaranteed or even likely, but she is now willing to give it a try. - IMDb

Как должна вести себя молодая, избалованная славой и деньгами писательница? Гвен Каммингс решила, что ей можно все: расстроить свадьбу сестры, напившись до полусмерти, угнать лимузин, разнести вдребезги соседский дом. Но реабилитационный центр для хронических алкоголиков, по мнению нью-йоркского суда, должен ее отрезвить. За 28 дней ей предстоит стать совсем другим человеком...

28 dagar Sweden
28 dage Denmark
28 dager Norway
28 dana Croatia
28 Days Singapore
28 Days USA
28 Days South Africa
28 Days United Arab Emirates
28 Days Australia
28 Days Canada
28 Days United Kingdom
28 Days India
28 Days India
28 Days Netherlands
28 Days Philippines
28 días Argentina
28 días Ecuador
28 días Spain
28 días Peru
28 días Venezuela
28 Dias Brazil
28 Dias Portugal
28 Días Mexico
28 Días USA
28 dienos Lithuania
28 dies Spain
28 dní Czechoslovakia
28 dní Slovakia
28 dni Poland
28 giorni Italy
28 Gün Turkey
28 imeres (transliterated title) Greece
28 jours Canada
28 jours en sursis France
28 nap Hungary
28 päeva Estonia
28 päivää (video box title) Finland
28 Tage Austria
28 Tage West Germany
28 ημέρες Greece
28 дана Serbia
28 днeй Russia
28 днів Ukraine
28 Дни Bulgaria
28DAYS Japan
28天 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Dan Byrd [14] Older Boy at Gas Station

The most successful movies. Year: 2000

1. Gladiator (2000)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 460 583 960
2. What Women Want (2000)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 374 111 707
3. Dinosaur (2000)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 349 822 765
4. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 345 141 403
5. Meet the Parents (2000)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 330 444 045
40. 28 Days (2000)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 62 198 945
