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Jakob the Liar

Jakob the Liar (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1999 September, 16
120 minutes
Comedy / Drama / War
$ 45 000 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 4 956 401


Video (1)

In 1944 Poland, a Jewish shop keeper named Jakob is summoned to ghetto headquarters after being caught out near curfew. While waiting for the German Kommondant, Jakob overhears a German radio broadcast about Russian troop movements. Returned to the ghetto, the shopkeeper shares his information with a friend and then rumors fly that there is a secret radio within the ghetto. Jakob uses the chance to spread hope throughout the ghetto by continuing to tell favorable tales of information from "his secret radio." Jakob, however, has a real secret in that he is hiding a young Jewish girl who escaped from a camp transport train. A rather uplifting and slightly humorous film about World War II Jewish Ghetto life. - IMDb

Потрясающая история о забытой Богом земле, отрезанной от всего мира. Черные мундиры заслонили для её жителей солнце надежды, и единственный звук среди всеобщего молчания - прощальный стон уходящих вдаль поездов, увозящих обреченных на смерть. Для того чтобы открыть людям истину в этом страшном мире, вывернутом наизнанку, необходимо солгать. Но тому, кто придумает спасительную ложь, она может стоить жизни...

Hazudós Jakab Hungary
Ilusiones de un mentiroso Spain
Il·lusions d'un mentider Spain
Jacob, o Mentiroso Portugal
Jakob der Lügner Austria
Jakob der Lügner West Germany
Jakob il bugiardo Italy
Jakob le menteur Canada
Jakob le menteur France
Jakob mincinosul Romania
Jakob the Liar Australia
Jakob the Liar Canada
Jakob the Liar United Kingdom
Jakob the Liar Netherlands
Jakob the Liar Philippines
Jakob the Liar USA
Jakob, o pseftis Greece
Jakob: Valehtelija Finland
Jakub kłamca Poland
Løgneren Norway
Melagis Jakobas Lithuania
Una señal de esperanza Peru
Una señal de esperanza  
Una señal de esperanza Argentina
Una señal de esperanza (cable TV title) Colombia
Um Sinal de Esperança Brazil
Yakov Ha-Shakran Israel
Τζέικομπ, ο ψεύτης Greece
Якоб лъжеца Bulgaria
Яков лжец Russia
善意的謊言 Taiwan
聖なる嘘つき、その名はジェイコブ Japan

Children's Cast:

Hannah Taylor Gordon [12] Lina

The most successful movies. Year: 1999

1. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 1 027 082 707
2. The Sixth Sense (1999)
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$ 672 806 292
3. Toy Story 2 (1999)
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$ 508 793 269
4. The Matrix (1999)
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$ 465 343 787
5. Tarzan (1999)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 448 191 819
88. Jakob the Liar (1999)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 4 956 401
