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Children of a Lesser God

Children of a Lesser God (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1986 September, 13
119 minutes
Drama / Romance
Production Company:
$ 10 500 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 31 853 080


Video (1)

James is a new speech teacher at a school for the deaf. He falls for Sarah, a pupil who decided to stay on at the school rather than venture into the big bad world. She shuns him at first, refusing to read his lips and only using signs. Will her feelings change over time? - IMDb

Уильям Херт исполняет роль учителя Джона Лидса. Лидс — особенный педагог: он преподает в школе для глухих. Джон, опытный и тонкий психолог, блестяще владеет языком детей тишины: удивительным языком жестов, пауз и взглядов. К каждому из своих учеников он терпеливо и тактично ищет свой единственный и неповторимый подход. Одной из учениц Джона становится прекрасная девушка по имени Сара, потерявшая слух в детстве, ожесточенная и упрямая. Учитель сумел достучаться до души и сердца девушки, потеряв, однако, свой сердечный покой…

Ai wa Shizukesa no Naka ni Japan
Başka tanrının çocukları Turkey
Bohem zapomenuté děti Czechoslovakia
Bohom zabudnuté deti Slovakia
Bortom alla ord Sweden
Children of a Lesser God United Arab Emirates
Children of a Lesser God Australia
Children of a Lesser God Canada
Children of a Lesser God Ecuador
Children of a Lesser God United Kingdom
Children of a Lesser God Philippines
Children of a Lesser God Singapore
Children of a Lesser God USA
Deca manjeg boga Serbia
Djeca manjeg boga Croatia
Dzieci gorszego Boga Poland
Les enfants du silence Canada
Les enfants du silence France
Figli di un dio minore Italy
Filhos de Um Deus Menor Portugal
Filhos do Silêncio Brazil
Fills d'un déu menor Spain
Gottes vergessene Kinder West Germany
Gottes vergessene Kinder West Germany
Hijos de un dios menor Spain
Egy Kisebb isten gyermekei Hungary
Kjærlighet trenger ingen ord Norway
Kjærligheten trenger ingen ord Norway
Kærlighed uden ord Denmark
Os Filhos do Silêncio (alternative spelling) Brazil
Paidia enos katoterou theou (transliterated title) Greece
Sanaton rakkaus (video box title) Finland
Te amaré en silencio Argentina
Te amaré en silencio Mexico
Te amaré en silencio Peru
Yeladim Horgim L'Yeladim Israel
Παιδιά ενός κατώτερου θεού Greece
Дети тишины Soviet Union
Деца, забравени от Бога Bulgaria
失宠于上帝的孩子们 China
悲憐上帝的女兒 Taiwan
愛は静けさの中に Japan
无言的爱 China

Children's Cast:

Charlene Legere Child

The most successful movies. Year: 1986

1. Top Gun (1986)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 357 288 178
2. Aliens (1986)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 131 335 326
3. Back to School (1986)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 91 258 000
4. The Golden Child (1986)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 79 817 937
5. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 70 136 369
13. Children of a Lesser God (1986)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 31 853 080
