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Greedy (Australia)
El Que espera desespera (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1994 March, 4
113 minutes
Production Company:
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 13 137 484


Uncle Joe is ageing. He's also a millionaire. That's why his family is trying so very hard to get into his good books. They all want a piece of his empire. Unfortunately Uncle Joe isn't as stupid as his family thinks he is. He can see that his family is only nice to him because they want his money. Along comes Daniel McTeague, a struggling bowler, imported from another city by his family, to put an end to this ridiculous situation. The fight won't be easy, though, because the poor family has a little bit of competition - A beautiful nurse who takes care of Uncle Joe (and no doubt would love to take care of his bank account). Who gets all the money? - IMDb

Члены семейства стареющего миллионера лезут из кожи вон, чтобы завоевать расположение богатого дядюшки и унаследовать его "империю". Однако и дядя Джо - тоже не промах. Он прекрасно понимает, чем вызвана эта крепнущая "родственная любовь". Так кому же все-таки достанутся деньги?

Açgözlü Turkey
Aplistoi klironomoi Greece
Besos y pesos Argentina
Caro zio Joe Italy
Chamtivci Slovakia
Los codiciosos Spain
Los codiciosos Venezuela
Den gamles grunker Denmark
Greedy Austria
Greedy Australia
Greedy Canada
Greedy West Germany
Greedy Ecuador
Greedy United Kingdom
Greedy USA
Greedy - Erben will gelernt sein West Germany
Hamouni Czechoslovakia
Les héritiers affamés Canada
Les héritiers affamés France
Joe-sedän perilliset Finland
Lacomia Romania
Nenásytní Slovakia
Oi aplistoi Greece
Os Gananciosos Portugal
Os Puxa-Sacos Brazil
A Pénz boldogít Hungary
Pohlepa Serbia
El Que espera desespera USA
El Que espera desespera Mexico
Sknerus Poland
Άπληστοι κληρονόμοι Greece
Алчни хора Bulgaria
Жадібність Ukraine
Жадность Russia
遺産相続は命がけ!? Japan

Children's Cast:

Kirsten Dunst [11] Jolene
Eric Lloyd [7] Joe (6 years old)
Adam Hendershott [10] Joe (9 years old)

The most successful movies. Year: 1994

1. The Lion King (1994)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 968 511 805
2. Forrest Gump (1994)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 678 151 134
3. True Lies (1994)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 378 882 411
4. The Flintstones (1994)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 341 631 208
5. Dumb & Dumber (1994)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 247 275 374
60. Greedy (1994)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 13 137 484
