It is just another day at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a few astronauts were repairing a satellite until, out of nowhere, a series of asteroids came crashing into the shuttle, destroying it. These asteroids also decimated New York soon thereafter. Then, NASA discovered that there is an asteroid roughly the size of Texas heading towards the Earth, and when it does hit the Earth, the planet itself and all of its inhabitants will be obliterated, worse, the asteroid will hit the Earth in 18 days. Unfortunately, NASA's plans to destroy the asteroid are irrelevant. That is when the U.S. military decides to use a nuclear warhead to blow the asteroid to pieces. Then, scientists decide to blow the asteroid with the warhead inside the asteroid itself. The only man to do it, is an oil driller named Harry Stamper and his group of misfit drillers and geologists. As he and his drill team prepare for space excavation, the asteroid is still heading towards the Earth. When the crew are launched into outer space, they are determined to destroy this asteroid. - IMDb
Тень гигантского астероида легла на Землю. До рокового столкновения остаются считанные дни. Наступает Армагеддон, трагический финал мировой истории, последний день человечества. Чтобы предотвратить катастрофу, необходимо чудо. Чтобы совершить его, на астероид отправляются самые отважные и смелые. Сквозь каменный дождь они летят навстречу огромной громаде, сметающей все на своем пути. Там, в пугающих глубинах Вселенной, их ожидает величайший триумф или неминуемая гибель. Но участники команды знакомы с простой арифметикой мужества: одна жизнь не имеет значения, когда речь идет о спасении миллионов. И каждый, не задумываясь, принесет себя в жертву неукротимой стихии. Только бы успеть...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 33% | 1 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 33% | 1 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 33% | 1 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
3 |
Armageddon | Canada |
Armageddon | Canada |
Armageddon | Denmark |
Armageddon | Ecuador |
Armageddon | Egypt |
Armageddon | Spain |
Armageddon (video box title) | Finland |
Armageddon | France |
Armageddon | United Kingdom |
Armageddon (transliterated title) | Greece |
Armageddon | Hong Kong |
Armageddon | Israel |
Armageddon | India |
Armageddon | India |
Armageddon | United Arab Emirates |
Armageddon | Iran |
Armageddon | South Korea |
Armageddon | Mexico |
Armageddon | Netherlands |
Armageddon | Norway |
Armageddon | Philippines |
Armageddon | Poland |
Armageddon | Portugal |
Armageddon | Romania |
Armageddon | Sweden |
Armageddon | Argentina |
Armageddon | Singapore |
Armageddon | Slovenia |
Armageddon | Thailand |
Armageddon | Turkey |
Armageddon | USA |
Armageddon | USA |
Armageddon (original subtitled version) | Uruguay |
Armageddon | South Africa |
Armageddon | Australia |
Armageddon | Brazil |
Armageddon - Das jüngste Gericht | Austria |
Armageddon - Das jüngste Gericht | West Germany |
Armageddon - Giudizio finale | Italy |
Armageddon - Sfarsitul lumii? (complete title) | Romania |
Armagedón | Venezuela |
Armagedon (transliterated title) | Bulgaria |
Armagedon | Czechoslovakia |
Armagedon | Croatia |
Armagedon | Slovakia |
Armagedonas | Lithuania |
Arumagedon | Japan |
Ngày Tận Thế | Vietnam |
Αρμαγεδδών | Greece |
Армагеддон | Russia |
Армагеддон | Ukraine |
Армагедон | Bulgaria |
Армагедон | Serbia |
आर्मागेडन (transliterated title) | India |
アルマゲドン(1997) | Japan |
世界末日 | China |
世界末日 | Taiwan |
大决战 | China |
最后决战 | China |
陨石大冲撞 | China |
Erik Per Sullivan [6] | Kid with Rocket Ship | |
Dyllan Christopher [6] | Tommy |
1. Armageddon (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 553 709 788 |
2. Saving Private Ryan (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 482 349 603 |
3. Godzilla (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 379 014 294 |
4. There's Something About Mary (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 369 884 651 |
5. A Bug's Life (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 363 258 859 |
... |