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Lost in America

Lost in America (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1985 February, 8
91 minutes
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 10 179 000


David and Linda Howard are successful yuppies from LA. When he gets a job disappointment, David convinces Linda that they should quit their jobs, liquidate their assets, and emulate the movie Easy Rider, spending the rest of their lives travelling around a Winnebago! (This is a kind of large, luxurious mobile home which suits a 1980's yuppie more than the counterculture dropout approach of Easy Rider.) His idealized, unrealistic plans soon begin to go spectacularly wrong. - IMDb

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Eksynyt Amerikassa Finland
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Jäljet katoavat Amerikkaan Finland
Kopfüber in Amerika West Germany
Lost in America Australia
Lost in America Canada
Lost in America Canada
Lost in America France
Lost in America United Kingdom
Lost in America Japan
Lost in America USA
Perdidos en América Spain
Perdidos en América Argentina
Perdidos na América Brazil
Pierduti in America Romania
Pubblicitario offresi Italy
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Zagubieni w Ameryce Poland
Загублені в Америці Ukraine
Потерянные в Америке Soviet Union
로스트 인 아메리카 South Korea

Children's Cast:

Joey Coleman Skippy

The most successful movies. Year: 1985

1. Back to the Future (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 388 355 305
2. Rocky IV (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 300 473 716
3. Cocoon (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 85 313 124
4. Witness (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 68 706 993
5. The Goonies (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 61 749 191
41. Lost in America (1985)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 10 179 000
