The location: Nazi occupied Rome. As Rome is classified an open city, most Romans can wander the streets without fear of the city being bombed or them being killed in the process. But life for Romans is still difficult with the Nazi occupation as there is a curfew, basic foods are rationed, and the Nazis are still searching for those working for the resistance and will go to any length to quash those in the resistance and anyone providing them with assistance. War worn widowed mother Pina is about to get married to her next door neighbor Francesco. Despite their situation - Pina being pregnant, and Francesco being an atheist - Pina and Francesco will be wed by Catholic priest Don Pietro Pelligrini. The day before the wedding, Francesco's friend, Giorgio Manfredi, who Pina has never met, comes looking for Francesco as he, working for the resistance, needs a place to hide out. For his latest mission, Giorgio also requests the assistance of Don Pietro, who is more than willing as he sees such work as being in the name of God. Don Pietro's position also provides him with access to where others are not able. Giorgio's girlfriend, Marina, a cabaret performer, doesn't even know where Giorgio is in hiding. Both Pina and Marina take measures to improve their lives under this difficult situation, those actions in combination which have tragic consequences. - IMDb
Действие фильма происходит в 1944 году в Риме. Гестапо охотится за инженером Джорджио Манфреди. Он находит приют в квартире друга Франческо. Ему также помогает священник Дон Пьетро и невеста Франческо — вдова Пина. Дети взрывают ночью цистерну с бензином недалеко от дома. Днём дом оцепляют немецкие войска и начинают обыск квартир. Франческо схвачен. Пина бежит за машиной с арестованными, и её расстреливают. Позже на автоколонну нападают участники Сопротивления и освобождают арестованных. Джорджио и Франческо прячутся на квартире любовницы Джорджио, Марины. Та выдаёт их гестапо в обмен на наркотики. На следующий день гестапо арестовывает Джорджио, Дона Пьетро и немецкого дезертира. Последний вешается в камере. Гестаповцы пытают Джорджио на глазах у Дона Пьетро. Священник молится за Джорджио, чтобы тот никого не выдал. От пыток Джорджио умирает. Дона Пьетро расстреливают на глазах у детей из его дома.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 100% | 1 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
1 |
Aaben By | Denmark |
Mubôbi toshi | Japan |
Open City | South Africa |
Öppen stad | Sweden |
Rim otkrytyy gorod (transliterated title) | Soviet Union |
Řím, otevřené město | Czechoslovakia |
Rim, otvoren grad | Serbia |
Rím, otvorené mesto | Slovakia |
Rim, otvoreni grad | Croatia |
Rom - öppen stad | Finland |
Rom - öppen stad (reissue title) | Sweden |
Rom öppen stad (reissue title) | Finland |
Rom, offene Stadt | West Germany |
Roma - atviras miestas | Lithuania |
Roma Açık Şehir | Turkey |
Roma città aperta | Ecuador |
Roma città aperta | Italy |
Roma, åpen by | Norway |
Roma, Cidade Aberta | Brazil |
Roma, Cidade Aberta | Portugal |
Roma, ciudad abierta | Mexico |
Roma, ciudad abierta (original subtitled version) | Uruguay |
Roma, ciudad abierta | Argentina |
Roma, ciudad abierta | Spain |
Roma, ciutat oberta | Spain |
Róma, nyílt város | Hungary |
Roma, oras deschis | Romania |
Rome - Open stad (informal literal title) | Netherlands |
Rome, Open City | Australia |
Rome, Open City | Canada |
Rome, Open City | United Kingdom |
Rome, Open City | India |
Rome, Open City | USA |
Rome, Open City | |
Rome, open stad | Belgium |
Rome, Shahr bi Defa' | Iran |
Rome, ville ouverte | France |
Romi, anohyrotos polis (transliterated title) | Greece |
Romi, gia qalaqi | Georgia |
Rooma - avoin kaupunki | Finland |
Rooma - lahtine linn | Estonia |
Rooma avoin kaupunki (reissue title) | Finland |
Rooma, avoin kaupunki (alternative spelling) | Finland |
Rzym, miasto otwarte | Poland |
Ρώμη, ανοχύρωτη πόλη | Greece |
Рим, відкрите місто (new title) | Ukraine |
Рим, открит град | Bulgaria |
Рим, открытый город | Soviet Union |
不設防城市 | Taiwan |
無防備都市 | Japan |
罗马,不设防的城市 | China |
Vito Annichiarico | Piccolo Marcello |
1. The Bells of St. Mary's (1945) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 21 333 333 |
2. Brief Encounter (1945) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 71 643 |
3. Spellbound (1945) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 19 000 |
4. Roma città aperta (1945) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 16 712 |
5. Dead of Night (1945) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 1 919 |