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The Pact

The Pact (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2012 January, 20
89 minutes
Horror / Mystery / Thriller
Production Company:
$ 400 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 3 035 415


Video (1)

Photos (1)

Nichole Barlow comes to San Pedro with her daughter Eva to attend the funeral of her mother. She calls her estranged sister Annie to help her to resolve pending businesses, but Annie is too traumatized with the bad treatment spent by their mother and does not want to return to their childhood home. Nichole convinces her sister to come and she arrives to the funeral. However, Nichole goes missing and Eva stays with Nichole's cousin Liz. When Liz also disappears, Annie claims that supernatural events happen in the house but she becomes the prime-suspect. The open-minded detective Bill Creek assumes the investigation and realizes that there is something weird in the house. Meanwhile Annie summons the medium Stevie believing that the ghost of her mother is responsible for the vanishing of Nichole and Liz. But the woman warns Annie that there is a great danger in the house. Annie decides to go further in her investigation and discovers dark secrets from the past of her family. - IMDb

Вместе с молодой женщиной вы оказываетесь в доме её покойной матери — где вас охватывает зловещее чувство страха и тревоги... События разворачиваются как в стремительном ужасающем ночном кошмаре с неожиданным поворотом событий, который шокирует и удивит одновременно даже самых искушённых любителей ужасов. Чувство тревоги и страха не отпустит до финального кадра, и только тогда вы поймете, что такое настоящий "страх"...

Almas que penan Peru
Az Egyezség Hungary
Hrůzná minulost Czechoslovakia
Khế Ước Quỷ Vietnam
Nadprzyrodzony pakt Poland
O Espírito Portugal
The Pact Canada
The Pact West Germany
The Pact France
The Pact United Kingdom
The Pact India
The Pact Italy
The Pact Philippines
The Pact USA
The Pact Australia
Le pacte Canada
El Pacto Colombia
El Pacto Spain
El Pacto Mexico
El Pacto Argentina
Pactul Romania
Pakt Serbia
Pesadelos do Passado Brazil
Ruh Turkey
Η συμφωνία Greece
Пакт Russia
Пакт Ukraine
Пактът Bulgaria
ディスコード Japan
亡靈契約 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Dakota Bright Eva
Anjini Taneja Azhar Hindi Child
Boriana Williams Child

The most successful movies. Year: 2012

1. The Avengers (2012)
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5. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012)
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195. The Pact (2012)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 3 035 415
