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Zezowate szczescie

Bad Luck (United Kingdom)
Cockeyed Luck (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1960 April, 4
92 minutes
Production Company:
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 1 708

The story is an odyssey of a little man through Poland of 1930 to 1950. It shows his attempts to cope with a changing world which seems to have no place for him. He has no consciousness of any kind but is always on the verge of turning into a more coherent human being, only to be slapped down. It begins with the hero's childhood. Then comes the first love marred by his unwilling involvement in fascict politics, him being taken for a Jew because of his nose. Later he decides to join the army to charm the girl, but arrives too late for any fighting. He is arrested by entering German troops while he dresses in officer's uniform and mistakenly sent to POW camp as an officer. - IMDb

Bad Luck United Kingdom
Bad Luck USA
Bad Luck  
Cockeyed Happiness (review title)  
Cockeyed Luck Australia
Kancsal szerencse Hungary
Kierosilmäinen onni Finland
De La veine à revendre France
Lyckan är en räv Finland
Mala suerte Argentina
Mala suerte Venezuela
Olycksfågeln Sweden
Das Schielende Glück West Germany
Sorte de Cão (literal title) Portugal
Zezowate szczescie Brazil
Zezowate szczęście Poland
Zrikava sreća Yugoslavia
Косоглазое счастье Soviet Union
Кривогледо щастие Bulgaria
Шесть превращений Яна Пищика Soviet Union
不運 Japan

Children's Cast:

Wojciech Litynski Young Jan Piszczyk

The most successful movies. Year: 1960

1. Swiss Family Robinson (1960)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 40 356 000
2. Spartacus (1960)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 1 844 917
3. Classe tous risques (1960)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 95 413
4. Le trou (1960)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 34 588
5. Hadaka no shima (1960)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 14 673
9. Zezowate szczescie (1960)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 1 708
